Saturday, October 24, 2015

Green nature of Bangladesh

Gig fishing


Gig fishing

The gig is a fishing machine.
Gig at the end of a bamboo needle bar is fitted with a steel needle.
Gig of fish living in the water that the fish stick is thrown.
Wits then lifted the fish from the water.
Many of lamp light night river boat and was fishing with Bill gig.
Fishing is a primal human intoxication.

The new generation of cultivated land

Agricultural lands a little water fishing

Agricultural lands a little water fishing

Bangladesh is a land of water in autumn
During the rainy season there are three to four meters of water..
If the fish in the water that breed ..
At the end of the rainy season can reduce soil water.
Farmers hold much water from the ground, the small fish.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Imposing River Country Bangladesh

This Gifs Are Totally Humorous

This Mermaid Bothered with Hilarious Kid And try to Get help From Various Helpers Like Posoiedon Crab etc But All thing goes Wrong After all Mermaid Gets solution Of This Problem Itself But This Happiness Of Mermaid not remains longer...

Vey Funny.... This Rabbit Stills The Biscuit from The Hand Of Cute Little Baby boy And This cutie just remains thinking what was that....

by - BhavnaJd

Facebook's new rules, or to block your ID!


Facebook's new rules, or to block your ID!

The world's most popular social network Facebook.
Facebook is so far from everyone around.
Husband, wife, brother, sister, relatives harano found.
Many have found the friends of childhood.
The problem is then to use Facebook to do if suddenly becomes blocked Facebook account.
It is happening at the present time.
The same could happen with your Facebook account to be blocked.
So you need to know what the reason was blocked Facebook account.
Ture to catch some of the Block Facebook account.

1.    Do not write anything against anyone or Facebook status message
It seems that the person threatening you.
   If somebody threatened am opposed.
  If you are the individual reports on your account, but can be blocked.
  Facebook in the complaint, including the importance of justice.
  So your Facebook account to refrain from any threat.

2.    It was more than a friend, hoping to get new users Facebook account.
  One day the friend list on Facebook for friends to increase to more than one friend requests sent.
It is not right to send a friend request on Facebook one day.
Does that make the limit may block your Facebook account.

3.    One day, the Facebook page or group entering the massage should not be massaged several times.
If the same message again and again, your account may be blocked.
             By changing some of the massage.

4.    If your own Facebook wall multiple times to the same status may be blocking your Facebook 
      If you think it is more the status of your Facebook account, Facebook can block spam.
      So try to stay away from it.

5. If you like the fan page on Facebook has more than one day you will be the first warning.
    If you continue to work and to block the account.

Information unknown

The man named Shabbir Facebook ID 82000,.
  Or maybe you have some ID with him, you did not know it himself.
Many people think they can not log on to their Facebook ID.
Many complained that some of the photos on their Facebook ID, share a lot of nonsense, but they do not do so themselves.
What are these ghosts?
These people work in the animal.
Others who have been hacking on Facebook ID entered by the krkaja.
Keep your Facebook ID safely.
Facebook privacy settings set properly.
Do not hack the other ID.

The question of surprised কালিদাস পন্ডিতের ধাঁধাঁ

The question of surprised

 (1)birds do not lay eggs?

(2)The mother of a small

(3)Old six nine ,Young Once ?

(4)Mama calls Mama says, mom says so?
The boy's Mama, father says so?

(5) Reduce drag as the closer
Can you tell what that?

In reply to: -

(1) Bats ( 2) parched rice(3) Taught yarn needle(4)chanda Mama(Moon). (5)Cigarette

It's a horse kick!

  It's a  horse kick!

people say ,
It does not have to go back.
Because the horse is very strong kick.
It's a Horse Power !!

Path through the garden of bamboo

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Rural village house, hut!


 Rural house, in the village!Hut!

Usually poor people live in rural hut makes.
The main ingredient in the making of bamboo and straw hut in the soil.
The first model is built with bamboo hut.
The roof is thatched with straw and Bivouac.
The walls are plastered with cow dung mixed with clay soil.
The ground floors.
Women of the village dung mixed with clay floors are plastered smooth.
The house is less sluggish in the hot summer.
Winter cold is felt less.
The hut is made of hundred percent natural factors.
Sluggish comfortable at home.
The hut is very nice to see.

Ground the board made ..ply Keram game

Winning the lottery to get a young girl!

 Winning the lottery to get a young girl!

Rich from poor people winning the lottery,
Many people have made a lot of money in Los Angeles.
Not all countries in the world that there is no trend in the lottery.
Brazil lottery prize but strange match.
TV, refrigerator, bicycle or have heard some cash to win.
Winning the lottery can be a virgin!
There are lots virgin illegally, the police rescued the eye.
 This game for those who like to engage in sexual relations with children or a young Juvenile.             The sexual relations with children weigh mental disorders.
Pidophail  in which psychology is called.
 In Brazil, 40 million people live below the poverty line.
 Brazil is the second largest use of children's bodies in the business.
 Although the lottery business promotion authorities were not alarmed.
Lottery is a growth in prostitution in the name.

At the foot of the tree way

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Beautiful Bangladesh

Beautiful country riverine Bangladesh

The beautiful village

Imposing a municipal story !Derai municipality name.


Imposing a municipal story !

This is a beautiful picture of the country's municipalities.
Derai upazila in Sunamganj district.
Derai municipality name.
Kalni pleasant side of nadi flows.
Kalni gone through riverside villages in the municipality canadipura road.
In Bangladesh, there are very few such beautiful places.

But the pleasant atmosphere is going to be lost because of unplanned infrastructure.
The population is growing.
The demand is increasing.
The market is becoming crowded area.
More settlements houses is going to be stopped.
There is no advantage to someone is not thinking.
The urgent need for the private benefit of other traffic and the road is closed.
The road is narrow passageway.
Derai municipal authorities do not have any initiatives to maintain the pleasant atmosphere.
Derai municipalities are rather lost beauty..
In this context, the sultans
Ideal children Niketan school children in front of the municipal authorities have made Public latrines!
What if the government Public latrines measure of money in front of the school children?
What development?
Development can be!
But I think it's savage development.
What could be a desirable development?
Unplanned development of the poorest of the poor in our identity is unnecessary to do?
What could that be desirable?
Of course not.
However anyone taking possession of public land next to the road or the like that are shared.
The main street in front of the movement of people to leave their own land for the benefit of five feet.
Some can not be tied to the movement.
But no one agrees.
Attractive and pleasant environment that is going to lose.
Although the application of the law that there is no law that can not be seen in practice.
If many of the same reasons, the natural beauty of the city is destroyed.
Having lost the pleasant atmosphere.
Disappointment for us as a citizen of the country and grievance!
It can not be that no one from the situation.
Everyone thinks their own interests, not thinking about the interests of everyone! Atmosphere.
Responsible for failing to introduce the responsibility.
So the poet says, -
"Everybody just let you walk all the we
Just let you walk next to each we '.

Tatars states Ibn Battuta-তাতারদের রাজ্যে ইবনে বতুতা

তাতারদের রাজ্যে ইবনে বতুতা

ইবনে বতুতার এৗতিহাসিক রোমাঞ্চকর অভিযান
মধ্য এশিয়ার ককেশাস ও স্তেপ অঞ্চলের প্রতাপশালী সুরতান মুহাম্মদ উজবেকের শিবিরে সময় কাটাচ্ছিলাম।লোকজনের কাছে শুনতে পেলাম তাতারদের রাজ্যে সবচেয়ে ছোট দিন ও সবচেয়ে ছোট রাতের অভিজ্ঞতা অর্জন করা যায়্ ।উত্তরাঞ্চলের এই এলাকাও সুলতান মুহাম্মদ উজবেকের শাসনাধীন।ওখানকার বিখ্যাত শহর বুলগার সফর করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিলাম।সুলতানের কাছে আবেদন জানালাম বুলগার সফরের ব্যবস্থা করতে।দয়ালু সুলতান আমার আবেদন মঞ্জুর করলেন এবং বুলগার সফরের জন্য একজন পথপ্রদর্শকেরও ব্যবস্থা করে দিলেন।
সুলতানের শিবির থেকে বুলগার প্রায় দশ দিনের পথ।এই এলাকা শীত প্রধান।কয়েক প্রস্থ পশমী জামা কাপড় পরেও মীতের প্রকোপ দমন করা কঠিন হয়ে পড়ড়ে।আমাদের কয়েকজনের একটি ছোট্ট কাফেলা সুলতানের পদপ্রদর্শককে সঙ্গে নিয়ে ঘোড়ার গাড়িতে করে বুলগারের পথে রওনা হলাম ।তখন রমজান মাস।
বিস্তীর্ণ তৃণভূমি আর মরু অঞ্চল পাড়ি দিয়ে আমরা বুলগারের দিকে চলেছি।এই এলাকায় পাছ পালা তেমন নেই।লোক বসতিও কম।মাঝে মাছে যাযাবরদের তাঁবু দেখা যায়। এখানকার বিস্তীর্ণ এলাকায় অসংখ্য  ভেড়া,ছাগল,ঘোড়া,উট প্রভৃতি পশুর পাল চড়ে বেড়ায়।সবগুলো আবার গৃহ পালিত নয়।এই অঞ্চলে অনেক বুনো ঘোড়া ও উটের পালকে ঘুরে বেড়াতে দেখা যায়।
বুলগার শহরে প্রচুর তাতার মুসলমান রয়েছে।মঙ্গোলিয়ান চেহারার তাতারদের ভিড়ে দুই একজন আরবকে সহজেই চোখে পড়ে।শহরের একটি মসজিদে আমরা মাগরিবের নামাজ পড়লাম।ইফতার শেষ হতে না হতেই শুনলাম এশার আজান দেয়া হচ্ছে।যথারীতি তাতারদের সঙ্গে এশার নামাজ ও তারাবির নামাজ আদায় করলাম।
নামাজের পর একটু বিশ্রামের চিন্তা করলাম।কিন্তু সুলতানের লোকটা আমাদেরকে সেহরী খাওয়ার প্রস্তুতি নিতে বললেন। বুঝতে পাররাম ফজর হতে বেশী দেরী নেই।কারণ তাতারদের রাজ্যে এখন সবচেয়ে ছোট রাতের সময় চলছে।ককেশাস অঞ্চল ছেড়ে উত্তরাঞ্চলের দিকে যতই এগিয়ে আসছিলাম ততই বুঝতে পারছিলাম রাতের সময় ছোট হয়ে আসছে আর বড় হচ্ছে দিন।ঠিক একই ভাবে বিপরীত মওশুমে দিন হয়ে উঠবে ছোট আর বড় হবে রাত।
অতএব বিশ্রাম বা ঘুমাবার কোন সময় পাওয়া গেল না।আমরা তারাতারি সেহরী খেয়ে নিয়ে ফজরের নামাজের জন্য প্রস্তুতি নিলাম।

The beautiful nature of the mind and refreshes

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Green nature of Bangladesh

Gig fishing


Gig fishing

The gig is a fishing machine.
Gig at the end of a bamboo needle bar is fitted with a steel needle.
Gig of fish living in the water that the fish stick is thrown.
Wits then lifted the fish from the water.
Many of lamp light night river boat and was fishing with Bill gig.
Fishing is a primal human intoxication.

The new generation of cultivated land

Agricultural lands a little water fishing

Agricultural lands a little water fishing

Bangladesh is a land of water in autumn
During the rainy season there are three to four meters of water..
If the fish in the water that breed ..
At the end of the rainy season can reduce soil water.
Farmers hold much water from the ground, the small fish.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Imposing River Country Bangladesh

This Gifs Are Totally Humorous

This Mermaid Bothered with Hilarious Kid And try to Get help From Various Helpers Like Posoiedon Crab etc But All thing goes Wrong After all Mermaid Gets solution Of This Problem Itself But This Happiness Of Mermaid not remains longer...

Vey Funny.... This Rabbit Stills The Biscuit from The Hand Of Cute Little Baby boy And This cutie just remains thinking what was that....

by - BhavnaJd

Facebook's new rules, or to block your ID!


Facebook's new rules, or to block your ID!

The world's most popular social network Facebook.
Facebook is so far from everyone around.
Husband, wife, brother, sister, relatives harano found.
Many have found the friends of childhood.
The problem is then to use Facebook to do if suddenly becomes blocked Facebook account.
It is happening at the present time.
The same could happen with your Facebook account to be blocked.
So you need to know what the reason was blocked Facebook account.
Ture to catch some of the Block Facebook account.

1.    Do not write anything against anyone or Facebook status message
It seems that the person threatening you.
   If somebody threatened am opposed.
  If you are the individual reports on your account, but can be blocked.
  Facebook in the complaint, including the importance of justice.
  So your Facebook account to refrain from any threat.

2.    It was more than a friend, hoping to get new users Facebook account.
  One day the friend list on Facebook for friends to increase to more than one friend requests sent.
It is not right to send a friend request on Facebook one day.
Does that make the limit may block your Facebook account.

3.    One day, the Facebook page or group entering the massage should not be massaged several times.
If the same message again and again, your account may be blocked.
             By changing some of the massage.

4.    If your own Facebook wall multiple times to the same status may be blocking your Facebook 
      If you think it is more the status of your Facebook account, Facebook can block spam.
      So try to stay away from it.

5. If you like the fan page on Facebook has more than one day you will be the first warning.
    If you continue to work and to block the account.

Information unknown

The man named Shabbir Facebook ID 82000,.
  Or maybe you have some ID with him, you did not know it himself.
Many people think they can not log on to their Facebook ID.
Many complained that some of the photos on their Facebook ID, share a lot of nonsense, but they do not do so themselves.
What are these ghosts?
These people work in the animal.
Others who have been hacking on Facebook ID entered by the krkaja.
Keep your Facebook ID safely.
Facebook privacy settings set properly.
Do not hack the other ID.

The question of surprised কালিদাস পন্ডিতের ধাঁধাঁ

The question of surprised

 (1)birds do not lay eggs?

(2)The mother of a small

(3)Old six nine ,Young Once ?

(4)Mama calls Mama says, mom says so?
The boy's Mama, father says so?

(5) Reduce drag as the closer
Can you tell what that?

In reply to: -

(1) Bats ( 2) parched rice(3) Taught yarn needle(4)chanda Mama(Moon). (5)Cigarette

It's a horse kick!

  It's a  horse kick!

people say ,
It does not have to go back.
Because the horse is very strong kick.
It's a Horse Power !!

Path through the garden of bamboo

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Rural village house, hut!


 Rural house, in the village!Hut!

Usually poor people live in rural hut makes.
The main ingredient in the making of bamboo and straw hut in the soil.
The first model is built with bamboo hut.
The roof is thatched with straw and Bivouac.
The walls are plastered with cow dung mixed with clay soil.
The ground floors.
Women of the village dung mixed with clay floors are plastered smooth.
The house is less sluggish in the hot summer.
Winter cold is felt less.
The hut is made of hundred percent natural factors.
Sluggish comfortable at home.
The hut is very nice to see.

Ground the board made ..ply Keram game

Winning the lottery to get a young girl!

 Winning the lottery to get a young girl!

Rich from poor people winning the lottery,
Many people have made a lot of money in Los Angeles.
Not all countries in the world that there is no trend in the lottery.
Brazil lottery prize but strange match.
TV, refrigerator, bicycle or have heard some cash to win.
Winning the lottery can be a virgin!
There are lots virgin illegally, the police rescued the eye.
 This game for those who like to engage in sexual relations with children or a young Juvenile.             The sexual relations with children weigh mental disorders.
Pidophail  in which psychology is called.
 In Brazil, 40 million people live below the poverty line.
 Brazil is the second largest use of children's bodies in the business.
 Although the lottery business promotion authorities were not alarmed.
Lottery is a growth in prostitution in the name.

At the foot of the tree way

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Beautiful Bangladesh

Beautiful country riverine Bangladesh

The beautiful village

Imposing a municipal story !Derai municipality name.


Imposing a municipal story !

This is a beautiful picture of the country's municipalities.
Derai upazila in Sunamganj district.
Derai municipality name.
Kalni pleasant side of nadi flows.
Kalni gone through riverside villages in the municipality canadipura road.
In Bangladesh, there are very few such beautiful places.

But the pleasant atmosphere is going to be lost because of unplanned infrastructure.
The population is growing.
The demand is increasing.
The market is becoming crowded area.
More settlements houses is going to be stopped.
There is no advantage to someone is not thinking.
The urgent need for the private benefit of other traffic and the road is closed.
The road is narrow passageway.
Derai municipal authorities do not have any initiatives to maintain the pleasant atmosphere.
Derai municipalities are rather lost beauty..
In this context, the sultans
Ideal children Niketan school children in front of the municipal authorities have made Public latrines!
What if the government Public latrines measure of money in front of the school children?
What development?
Development can be!
But I think it's savage development.
What could be a desirable development?
Unplanned development of the poorest of the poor in our identity is unnecessary to do?
What could that be desirable?
Of course not.
However anyone taking possession of public land next to the road or the like that are shared.
The main street in front of the movement of people to leave their own land for the benefit of five feet.
Some can not be tied to the movement.
But no one agrees.
Attractive and pleasant environment that is going to lose.
Although the application of the law that there is no law that can not be seen in practice.
If many of the same reasons, the natural beauty of the city is destroyed.
Having lost the pleasant atmosphere.
Disappointment for us as a citizen of the country and grievance!
It can not be that no one from the situation.
Everyone thinks their own interests, not thinking about the interests of everyone! Atmosphere.
Responsible for failing to introduce the responsibility.
So the poet says, -
"Everybody just let you walk all the we
Just let you walk next to each we '.

Tatars states Ibn Battuta-তাতারদের রাজ্যে ইবনে বতুতা

তাতারদের রাজ্যে ইবনে বতুতা

ইবনে বতুতার এৗতিহাসিক রোমাঞ্চকর অভিযান
মধ্য এশিয়ার ককেশাস ও স্তেপ অঞ্চলের প্রতাপশালী সুরতান মুহাম্মদ উজবেকের শিবিরে সময় কাটাচ্ছিলাম।লোকজনের কাছে শুনতে পেলাম তাতারদের রাজ্যে সবচেয়ে ছোট দিন ও সবচেয়ে ছোট রাতের অভিজ্ঞতা অর্জন করা যায়্ ।উত্তরাঞ্চলের এই এলাকাও সুলতান মুহাম্মদ উজবেকের শাসনাধীন।ওখানকার বিখ্যাত শহর বুলগার সফর করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিলাম।সুলতানের কাছে আবেদন জানালাম বুলগার সফরের ব্যবস্থা করতে।দয়ালু সুলতান আমার আবেদন মঞ্জুর করলেন এবং বুলগার সফরের জন্য একজন পথপ্রদর্শকেরও ব্যবস্থা করে দিলেন।
সুলতানের শিবির থেকে বুলগার প্রায় দশ দিনের পথ।এই এলাকা শীত প্রধান।কয়েক প্রস্থ পশমী জামা কাপড় পরেও মীতের প্রকোপ দমন করা কঠিন হয়ে পড়ড়ে।আমাদের কয়েকজনের একটি ছোট্ট কাফেলা সুলতানের পদপ্রদর্শককে সঙ্গে নিয়ে ঘোড়ার গাড়িতে করে বুলগারের পথে রওনা হলাম ।তখন রমজান মাস।
বিস্তীর্ণ তৃণভূমি আর মরু অঞ্চল পাড়ি দিয়ে আমরা বুলগারের দিকে চলেছি।এই এলাকায় পাছ পালা তেমন নেই।লোক বসতিও কম।মাঝে মাছে যাযাবরদের তাঁবু দেখা যায়। এখানকার বিস্তীর্ণ এলাকায় অসংখ্য  ভেড়া,ছাগল,ঘোড়া,উট প্রভৃতি পশুর পাল চড়ে বেড়ায়।সবগুলো আবার গৃহ পালিত নয়।এই অঞ্চলে অনেক বুনো ঘোড়া ও উটের পালকে ঘুরে বেড়াতে দেখা যায়।
বুলগার শহরে প্রচুর তাতার মুসলমান রয়েছে।মঙ্গোলিয়ান চেহারার তাতারদের ভিড়ে দুই একজন আরবকে সহজেই চোখে পড়ে।শহরের একটি মসজিদে আমরা মাগরিবের নামাজ পড়লাম।ইফতার শেষ হতে না হতেই শুনলাম এশার আজান দেয়া হচ্ছে।যথারীতি তাতারদের সঙ্গে এশার নামাজ ও তারাবির নামাজ আদায় করলাম।
নামাজের পর একটু বিশ্রামের চিন্তা করলাম।কিন্তু সুলতানের লোকটা আমাদেরকে সেহরী খাওয়ার প্রস্তুতি নিতে বললেন। বুঝতে পাররাম ফজর হতে বেশী দেরী নেই।কারণ তাতারদের রাজ্যে এখন সবচেয়ে ছোট রাতের সময় চলছে।ককেশাস অঞ্চল ছেড়ে উত্তরাঞ্চলের দিকে যতই এগিয়ে আসছিলাম ততই বুঝতে পারছিলাম রাতের সময় ছোট হয়ে আসছে আর বড় হচ্ছে দিন।ঠিক একই ভাবে বিপরীত মওশুমে দিন হয়ে উঠবে ছোট আর বড় হবে রাত।
অতএব বিশ্রাম বা ঘুমাবার কোন সময় পাওয়া গেল না।আমরা তারাতারি সেহরী খেয়ে নিয়ে ফজরের নামাজের জন্য প্রস্তুতি নিলাম।

The beautiful nature of the mind and refreshes