Thursday, November 19, 2015

The bill is a small fishing village, the farmer's sons

The bill is a small fishing village, the farmer's sons

Now the winter.
Has reduced water bills.
Small fish have less water bill.
Farmer Boys is going to catch small fish.
Going fishing with nets.
There are no fish to pan with.
Before the bill would get a little bit of water, land and abundant fish.
There is now much more than fish.
The bill gives the government the lease.

The bill Hijal karaca plant trees to create fish habitat ground.
The public can not catch fish.

Bill lease profiting from the rich to sell the fish.
The bill goes to the city of the big fish.
The big fish of the villagers never attained.
Regarding the bill was filed in the High Court.
The bill is in the possession of the government pro.
As a result, the bill can not catch fish.
Fishing is very good.
But the bill was reduced to fish.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

question of surprised-Kalidas

question of surprised-Kalidas

1.There is no dear girl was kicked
Still, any thing in his head held high?
2.After becoming widowed white robes,
Still, he does not eat, bathe beautiful!
3.The question of surprised to be two hundred and fifty
How does the rest of minus five to fifty?
4.House there is no door
people have not to mention!
5.Clay pots, wooden cow,
Drink honey every year!
In reply to: -
1. The redemption rice threshing floor,2. Garlic,3. Zero,4. Grave & 5. Palm tree

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The lower left side of the road to the land

 The lower left side of the road to the land

A few meters of land in the lower left side of the road.
Now the autumn term.
The rainy season is filled with water, the lower land.
When the sea water became beautiful.
Eden Park for the entertainment of the people's weariness could be on the road.
There is a no roadside railing.
Have not created any park!
The development of the people's weariness of this entertainment is ignored.
The road to defend the have concrete blocks.
The road was to connect with the streets,
The river, the bridge was to connect.
It does not appear to us to go to the engine-driven vehicle.
Some in the movement of the motor bike.
End of the road away from the market.
Tower has a mobile phone company in the market.
Rural wooden pillar with power lines on the left side of the street.
The roads are not wide enough.
This route could be a problem for the people operating the vehicle.
Road accident which may be loss of life.

Monday, November 16, 2015

River & royal white duck

 River &  royal white duck

নদী তীরে সাদা রাজ হাস

Saturday, November 14, 2015

একজন মিনতি রানীর হৃদয় বিদারক কাহিনী

একজন মিনতি রানীর হৃদয় বিদারক কাহিনী

সত্য ঘটনা অবলম্বনে।
খুবই সুন্দরী ছিলে তুমি, মিনতি। ছোটখাট গড়নের; ফর্সা রং, টিকলো নাক, টানা চোখ; সব মিলিয়ে কী যে একটা মায়া ছড়িয়ে ছিল তোমার সারা শরীরটা জুড়ে। সবাই তোমার মাকে বলতো, "দেখিস লক্ষী, তোর মেয়ে একদিন রাজরানী হবে"। মা গর্বভরে জবাব দিত, " তাতো হবেই, তোমরা দেখে নিও। তাইতো নাম রেখেছি, রাণী, মিনতি রাণী।"
মায়ের গর্ব শেষ হয়না। বয়স তের না পেরতেই সমন্ধ আসে নানা জায়গা থেকে। অবশেষে চৌদ্দ না পেরতেই বিয়ে দিতেই হ'ল মিনতিকে। রাষ্ট্রের সহৃদয় কর্মচারিদের কল্যাণে মিনতির বয়স কোন বাঁধাই হয়ে দাঁড়াতে পারেনি এ বিয়ের বেলায়। তাই, নেহায়েত বাধ্য হয়েই তাকে মায়ের কোল ছেড়ে আসতে হলো কিশোরগঞ্জের কটিয়াদিতে। মেয়েদের আসল আশ্রয়, স্বামীর বাড়ি। স্বামীটিও বেশ, বয়েস বিশের কোটায়, নকশি কাঁথার রুপাই এর মত। শ্যামলা, মিষ্টি চেহারা, সব কাজের কাজি। দোষের মধ্যে কেবল একটাই, আসলে কোন কাজ নেই, বেকার ভবঘুরে।
গল্পটি এখানে শেষ হতে পারতো, কিন্তু দয়াময় সৃষ্টিকর্তার যে গূঢ় রহস্যে মানবজীবন আবর্তিত হয় তার খানিক ভেদ নির্ণয়ে হয়তো মিনতি রাণীর প্রয়োজন ছিল। যদিও তার জীবনের চরম পরিণতির সুদূরতম সাক্ষী হিসেবে আমার কি প্রয়োজন ছিল তার কারণ নির্ণয়ের ব্যর্থ প্রচেষ্টায় আমার বাকী জীবনও ব্যয়িত হবে।
গল্পটি আসলে এ পর্যন্তই, বাকিটা গল্প নয় নিরেট বাস্তবতা।
উপজেলা ম্যাজিস্টেট হিসেবে যোগ দিয়েছি কিশোরগঞ্জের কটিয়াদিতে। মনের মতো কাজ। মানুষকে জেলে ঢুকাই, বের করে আনি, কাউকে জামিন দেই, কাউকে দেইনা। তবে, নিজেও তেমন জামিন পাইনা। সকাল ১০ টায় এজলাসে বসে ঠান্ডা মাথায় নতুন মামলার অভিযোগ শুনি। কোনটাতে সমন, কোনটাতে গ্রেফতারি আর বেশির ভাগই তদন্তে পাঠাই। তারপর শুনি জামিন। কোন আসামী কোর্টে আত্মসমর্পন করেছে, কোনটাকে আনা হয়েছে জেলখানা থেকে। কারো বিরুদ্ধে চুরির অভিযোগ, কারো ডাকাতির কেউ বা খুনের আসামি। মামলা শুনতে শুনতে মাথা গরম হয়ে আসলে খাস কামরায় একটু বিশ্রাম। দুপরের খাবারের সামান্য বিরতির পর দিনের প্রথমার্ধের ঘোষিত আদেশগুলো নথিতে সম্পূর্ণ লিখে রাখা। দিনের দ্বিতীয়ার্ধে প্রায়শ: সাক্ষী থাকে, যা ফেরত দেয়া সমীচীন নয়। কাজের মধ্যে আরেকটা ছিল উর্ধ্বতন আদালতের আদেশ প্রতিপালন করা। যাদের সামর্থ্য আছে তারা নিম্ন আদালতের বিচারাধীন মামলা মহামান্য হাইকোর্টে নিয়ে ফেলে রাখতে পারেন বছরের পর বছর। সেখানে দুর্বল প্রতিপক্ষের করণীয় তেমন নেই। এরকম আদেশভুক্ত নথিগুলো পেশকার আলাদা করে রাখেন। এভাবে সন্ধ্যা গড়িয়ে রাতের কিছুটা প্রহর কাটিয়ে প্রায়ই বাসায় ফিরতাম ক্লান্ত পরিশ্রান্ত হয়ে। সময়মতো লিখতে না পারা কিছু নথিও নিয়ে আসতাম অবসর বিনোদনের জন্যে। আর সপ্তাহের ছুটির দিনগুলোর প্রায় সবকটিই যেতো রায় লিখায়। কোন কোন মহামান্য বিচারক যেমন রায় না দিয়ে বছরের পর বছর মামলা ফেলে রাখতে পারেন; আমাদের মতো নিম্ন আদালতে সে সুযোগ তেমন ছিলনা। তারপরেও আনন্দ ছিল, বিবেকমতো কাজ করতে পারার। মনে হত কাজ করছি, মানুষের জন্য।
একটা মামলায় মহামান্য হাইকোর্টের উপর্যুপরি কয়টি আদেশ দেখেছি, প্রতিবারই কয়েকমাস করে স্থগিতাদেশের মেয়াদ বাড়ানো হয়েছে। আদেশের গায়ে স্বাক্ষর করে তা বাস্তবায়নের জন্য পেশকারের হাতে দেই। তিনি তা যথাস্থানে তুলে রাখেন। বুঝলাম এটি একটি হত্যা মামলা। আসামীপক্ষ মামলাটি প্রায় দু'বছর ধরে একতরফাভাবে স্থগিত করে রেখেছেন। মহামান্য আদালতের ইংরেজীতে দেয়া আদেশ স্পষ্ট এবং সংক্ষিপ্ত; বাংলায় প্রায় এরকম, "প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট আদালত কটিয়াদির --- নম্বর মামলার স্থগিতাদেশের মেয়াদ আরো দুইমাস বর্ধিত করা হইল"।
এরকমই চলছিল। হঠাৎ একদিন একই মামলার এজাতীয় আরেকটি আদেশ পেয়ে মামলাটির বিষয়ে জানতে চাইলে পেশকার জানালেন এটি এ্যাডভোকেট ঘোষবাবুর মামলা। তিনি ঘোষবাবুকে খাস কামরায় আমার সালাম পৌঁছালেন। ঘোষবাবু জানালেন এটি হত্যা মামলা; ভেরি ইন্টারেস্টিং এবং করুণ ঘটনা। সোলেমান চেয়ারম্যান(ছদ্ম নাম) বর্তমান চেয়ারম্যানের বিরুদ্ধে মামলাটি। তিনি এবং তার সাঙ্গপাঙ্গদের বিরুদ্ধে তার নিজ গাঁয়ের একটি হিন্দু মেয়েকে ধর্ষনের পর হত্যার অভিযোগে এ মামলাটির উদ্ভব হয়। বিশদ জানার জন্য নথিটি বাসায় নিয়ে গেলাম।
বাসায় ফিরে কোনমতে হাতমুখ ধুয়ে নথিটি নিয়ে বসলাম। মেয়েটির নাম মিনতি রানী। বাড়ি, পার্শ্ববর্তী জেলা ব্রাহ্মণবাড়ীয়ায়। সদ্য বিয়ে হয়ে এ গাঁয়ে এসেছে। স্বামীটি আমড়া কাঠের ঢেঁকি, লেখাপড়া সামান্য; এখনো বাপের হোটেলেই খায়। জমিজমা বর্গা দেয়া, তাই কাজ বিশেষ নেই। এখন সুযোগ পেলেই নতুন বউ নিয়ে পাশের গাঁয়ের আত্মীয় বাড়ীতে যায়। ফেরার পথে গ্রাম্য বাজার থেকে সস্তা চূড়ি, চিরুনি কেনে বউয়ের জন্য। বউটি খুবই সুন্দরী, রাস্তায় বের হলে সবাই তাকায়। এখন তার মান মর্যাদাই আলাদা। মা বাবার একমাত্র ছেলে, টাকাকড়ি বিশেষ নেই, যে জমিজমা  আছে তাতে ছোট সংসার কোনমতে চলে। তবে ছেলের আনন্দেই মা বাবার সুখ। ভগবান চাইলে আর কটা দিন! মেয়ে কটিরও বিয়ে হয়ে গেছে।
ওদের স্বামীর বাড়ী বেশ দূরে, হিন্দু মেয়েদের জন্য জাতপাত মিলানো ঢের কঠিন। আড়ে থেকে
পর পর কয়দিন মেয়েটিকে দেখলো চেয়ারম্যান। তারপর সুযোগমতো একা পেয়ে প্রস্তাব, সেই সাথে নানা প্রলোভন।

People for people-মানুষ মানুষের জন্য

People for people

 ★Noor Musharraf ★

Life ring, always running
Good job fade into the sin of
Human policy, compassion
People for people.

Allah creates life, attention
Why is life the life of product.
Dirty game, With the end of the
People for people.

Born man, happens giant
At stake for humanity,
Hand in hand, there is no conflict
People for people.

Mine of knowledge, great dives
Otherwise the misery,
Human instinct, the knowledge
People for people.

Absolute treasure, priceless gems
Among the blessed,
Eliminating discrimination, everlasting happiness
People for people.

The gentleman, to acquire knowledge
Life War soldiers,
Pen in hand, not spear
People for people.

You lose, you will be able to
Neither the midst of his own,
Come forward, O conscience!
People for people.

Rise today, the whole society
Buried in the destruction,
Stop fighting, perpetually clean
People for people.

Seasoned rice field

 পাকা ধানের মাঠ
 Seasoned rice field

Friday, November 13, 2015

Fish caught from the bill going to market for Sale

বিলের হতে ধরা মাছ বাজারে যাচ্ছে বিক্রয় করার জন্য
Fish caught from the bill going to market for Sale

The moon was rising and flowers

The moon was rising and flowers

Moon is rising
Flowers have been developed
Who steps under the tree
Elephant dance
Dancing horses
Children princess wedding ceremony

চাঁদ উঠেছে ফুল ফুটেছে

চাঁদ উঠেছে
ফুল ফুটেছে
কদম তলায় কে
হাতি নাচছে
ঘোড়া নাচছে
সোনামণির বে।

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Come on girl Let Me Go I ain't got no damn fleas!!:D

Amin's story is a residential hotel in Toronto

Amin's story is a residential hotel in Toronto

When I arrived at the hotel in Toronto, the city of Sylhet Divisional Road Taltala five in the afternoon.
November is fast approaching noon hour in the evening.
Toronto residential hotel for the night lunch counter was chosen to lead.
From here, go to the office of the commissioner in Alampur facilities and hotel in the city.
The next morning I had to be part of the divisional commissioner's office in the case of DP.
However, entered the courtyard of the hotel with two bags.
Counter-desk manager was missing.
I saw a young boy sitting on the couch watching cartoons on television.
I said I'd like a single room.

The allocations for the four-floor room.
V I P room, the boy said.
Hire two hundred taka.
However, difficulties arise was downstairs with two bags,
At the time, he said, uncle give me a bag.
Somewhat comfortable with a bag in his hand, looked to move the stairs.

Addressing his uncle seemed sincere and
  Nowadays, more and more people are using to call uncle.
People today rickshaw man was called uncle .
His father, uncle addressed to the rickshaw man uncle .
I do not know why that rickshaw man everyone calls uncle.
Maybe people against discrimination in society is to inform sincerity uncle addressed.
Entered the hotel room, VIP room and could not see any signs.
The night lunch counter reasonably Living room.
After arriving in the room, he asked for the money to twenty.
I gave him ten taka.
Then he said,
- "Uncle, if you tell me to bring tea for breakfast or snacks.
Do not be bothered to get off the ground floor, sitting room, you can eat. "
I said, - "I do not need any food.
I want to drink water.
Why would you want to bring the food? "
- "The manager of the hotel brought our food to be found in two of the four money tip.
I hope this tip some of the money to the people of the hotel food. "- He said.
He gave water to drink.
He said, if necessary, may pressure the calling bell.
He took away.

Nine o'clock at night, when he came to visit me again.
Wanted to know whether there is anything my needs.
He took money from me and gave it burns them to the store and buy a mosquito coil.
Do not mess up my sleep, so mosquitoes are biting.
Because the room had no masari.

At that time, there was no other job I want to find out something about him.
I asked, "What is your name?"
The boy said, "Amen."
- "How old?"
- "Sixteen years."
- "How much do you pay?"
- "Three thousand rupees per month, uncle."
- "What do you do with the money, three thousand?"
- "Two thousand two hundred rupees per month to the cost of feed."
Amin stopped here a little.

I ask again, -
- "What do the rest of the eight hundred money?"
- "Eight hundred taka give  to parents."
At this stage, I think the sympathy and interest of the amin.
I think the trouble is, like a lot of the hard life of the boy.

I thought, Amin child or young?
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child under 18 years old human child, the child said.
The National Child Policy under 14-year-old girl child is a boy.
  On the other hand the law clearly says that the majority, 18 years of age to adulthood.

Sixteen-year-old Amin's now time to study, time to dream, smile, happy time.
  But she has been working at the hotel for two meals, living.
This seemed to think, has a lot of sacrifice to achieve the independence of Bangladesh,
What are the advantages of the freedom, rights of children discriminated against in this country?

To study in schools and colleges for boys ages Amin
  Or the job was to be the best available.
The hotel did not have to work just to eat.
Perhaps the boys today, Amin's father, uncle or grandfather gave life to the fight for independence in the hope of a better life.
At the beginning of the life of an independent country that is suffering pain painful scene to fight to live.
Who is responsible for this situation?
I do not know.

I asked Amin, - "What is your father's name?"
-, "Mansoor Ahmed's fathers name." He says.
Such talk was known, Companiganj his house.
Kulasuma her mother's name.
Amin also has three brothers.
Is that they are brothers, Shaheen two years of age, eight-year-old Tfael, Hasan 13 years old.
Amin is the biggest, he was up to three classes.
Despite Amin's instructions not to fall off the family's financial solvency.
He said.

Mansur Uddin Amin's father has nut small business in Companiganj.
Mansur Uddin average monthly income of ten thousand.
He did not work at six.
The business capital of the responsibility to protect.
Veet's house, no land than fifteen percent of their acres.
This is due to the work of the Boy amanake Toronto hotel.

Amin's father in Mansur Uddin suparira small business.
Mansur Uddin average monthly income of ten thousand.
Six members of the family to bear the cost of ten thousand takas to trouble.
The business capital of the responsibility to protect.
Fifteen decimal house, but do not have any land.
Amin Toronto hotel boy's work is less due to their wealth.

He pointed out that,

  Boy's work at the hotel in less mony.
This Toronto hotel does not serve.
He will work Bholajanj stone mines.
Now, sixteen years of age according to the laws of the country will be able to work in the mines.

So much money goes to Amin Bholajanj stone quarry.
There are to be four to five hundred rupees daily, he said.
Bholajanj stone quarry, to the riverbed stones are harvested by machine.
He brought the stone basket is burdened with.
Which is very hard work.
Did Amin work this hard work?
The survival of such doom Look Amin of working life.
 Amin, who, like the millions of children unfortunate teenager.
Although the match of their lives thanks to the liberation of the country.
There are many good laws to protect the rights of children in Bangladesh.
There are labor laws.
But the law can not protect the rights of children?
This is the proof-
Amin's story is a residential hotel in Toronto...

The new village, a concrete road and Hijal-karaca garden

The new village, a concrete road and Hijal-karaca garden
Non Govt Organisation road made from concrete blocks.
End of the road in the green fields
The new village extends.
Hijal-tree are on the right side of the road.
Hijal karaca peculiarity is that the plant,
The tree sink down in the water is 6 months long, but survived.
The lower zone is flooded with water in the rainy season.
And this Hijal-karaca tree is visible on the water.
Then it indicates that there is crops field r under the water.
The tree was cut down over the bill,

If more fish in the river bill.

It was more than the fish could benefit from lease recipient of the Bill.
Before the low ground, were seen many Hijal- karaca garden.
Now, because of the people cut down Hijala karaca trees of the garden is reduced.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bamboo garden to the side of the pavement

Bamboo garden to the side of the pavement

The village is now paving dirt roads
Raw before the rainy season could not walking in mud .
After a few days down the road is now ripe for an unknown reason ,
Then went public with the problem.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tiger high-five through glass.

Tiger high-five through glass.

Lion uncle

Lion uncle

Lion uncle lion uncle
What are you doing ?
This look , What is your
It has been drawn.

সিংহ মামা

সিংহ মামা সিংহ মামা
করছ তুমি কি ?
এই দেখ না,কেমন তোমার
ছবি এঁকেছি।

Monday, November 9, 2015

বাবুই পাখি

বাবুই পাখি

বাবুই পাখিরে ডাকি,বলিছে চড়াই,
“কুঁড়ে ঘরে থাকি কর,শিল্পের বড়াই,
আমি থাকি মহাসুখে অট্টালিকা পরে,
তুমি কত কষ্ট পাও রোদ ,বৃষ্টি,ঝড়ে।”
বাবুই হাসিয়া কহে,“সন্দেহ কি তায়?
কষ্ট পাই,তবু থাকি নিজের বাসায়।
পাকা হোক.তবু ভাই,পরের ও বাসা
নিজ হাতে গড়া মোর কাঁচা ঘর,খাসা।”
কবি রজনীকান্ত সেনের কালজয়ী স্বাধীনতার সুখ  ছড়াটির নায়ক গ্রামবাংলার এই নিপুণ বাসা তৈরির কারিগর বাবুই পাখি ।
আগের মতো বাবুই পাখির দৃষ্টিনন্দন বাসা আজ আর চোখে পড়ে না।দেশের বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে দেখা যেত বাবুই পাখির দৃষ্টিনন্দন বাসা। কিন্তু কালের বিবর্তনে হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে এই শিল্পী, স্থপতি এবং সামাজিক বন্ধনের কারিগর বাবুই পাখি ও তার বাসা। খড়ের ফালি, ধানের পাতা, তালের কচিপাতা, ঝাউ ও কাশবনের লতাপাতা দিয়ে উঁচু তালগাছে চমৎকার বাসা তৈরি করতো বাবুই পাখিরা। সে বাসা যেমন দৃষ্টিনন্দন, তেমনি মজবুত। প্রবল ঝড়ে বাতাসে টিকে থাকে তাদের বাসা। বাবুই পাখি শক্তবুননের এ বাসা টেনেও ছেঁড়া কঠিন। বাবুই একধারে শিল্পী, স্থপতি এবং সামাজিক বন্ধনের প্রতিচ্ছবি। এরা এক বাসা থেকে আরেক বাসায় যায় পছন্দের সঙ্গী খুঁজতে। সঙ্গী পছন্দ হলে স্ত্রী বাবুইকে সাথী বানানোর জন্য কত কিছুই না করে পূরুণ বাবুই। পুরুষ বাবুই স্ত্রী বাবুইকে নিজের প্রতি আকর্ষণ করার জন্য খাল-বিল ও ডোবায় গোসল সেরে ফুর্তিতে নেচে নেচে বেড়ায় গাছের ডালে ডালে। এরপর উঁচু তালগাছ, নারিকেল বা সুপারি গাছের ডালে বাসা তৈরির কাজ শুরু করে।
বাসা তৈরির অর্ধেক কাজ হলে কাঙ্ক্ষিত স্ত্রী বাবুইকে ডেকে সেই বাসা দেখায়। বাসা পছন্দ হলেই কেবল সম্পর্ক গড়ে। স্ত্রী বাবুই পাখির বাসা পছন্দ হলে বাকিটা শেষ করতে পুরুষ বাবুইয়ের সময় লাগে চার দিন। কেননা তখন পুরুষ বাবুই মহাআনন্দে বিরামহীন কাজ করে। স্ত্রী বাবুই পাখির প্রেরণা পেয়ে পুরুষ বাবুই খুবই শিল্পসম্মত নিপুণভাবে বাসা তৈরি করে। স্ত্রী বাবুই ডিম দেওয়ার সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই পুরুষ বাবুই খুঁজতে থাকে আরেক সঙ্গীকে। পুরুষ বাবুই এক মৌসুমে ছয়টি পর্যন্ত বাসা তৈরি করতে পারে। অর্থাৎ এরা ঘর সংসার করতে পারে ছয় সঙ্গীর সঙ্গে, তাতে স্ত্রী বাবুইয়ের না নেই। স্ত্রী বাবুই ডিমে তা দেওয়ার দুই সপ্তাহের মধ্যে বাচ্চা ফোটে। আর তিন সপ্তাহ পর বাবুই বাচ্চা ছেড়ে উড়ে যায়।
বাবুই পাখির বাসা উল্টানো কলসীর মত দেখতে। বাসা বানাবার জন্য বাবুই খুব পরিশ্রম করে। ঠোঁট দিয় ঘাসের আস্তরণ সারায়। যত্ন করে পেট দিয়ে ঘষে(পালিশ করে) গোল অবয়ব মসৃণ করে। শুরুতে দুটি নিম্নমুখী গর্ত থাকে। পরে একদিক বন্ধ করে ডিম রাখার জায়গা হয়। অন্যদিকটি লম্বা করে প্রবেশ ও প্রস্থান পথ হয়। রাতের বেলায় ঘর আলোকিত করার জন্য এরা জোনাকি পোকা ধরে নিয়ে বাসায় রাখে এবং সকাল হলে আবার তাদের ছেড়ে দেয়।

কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের এর কবিতা ‘ঝিঙে ফুল’-Bangla Kobita ও জিঙে সবজি

কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের এর কবিতা ‘ঝিঙে ফুল’-Bangla Kobita  ও জিঙে সবজি

  আপনি যদি কখনো গ্রাম বাংলায় যান তবে অনেক কৃষকের বাড়ীর আঙিনায় এরকম সুন্দর হলুদ রঙের ঝিঙ্গে ফুল গুলো দেখতে পাবেন।যা দেখতে খুব সুন্দর ও মনোহর।এই মনোহর জিঙ্গে ফুল নিয়ে জাতীয় কবি কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম বলেছেন-

ঝিঙে ফুল
কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম

ঝিঙে ফুল! ঝিঙে ফুল!
সবুজ পাতার দেশে ফিরোজিয়া ফিঙে-কুল-
ঝিঙে ফুল।

গুল্মে পর্ণে
লতিকার কর্ণে
ঢলঢল স্বর্ণে
ঝলমল দোলে দুল-
ঝিঙে ফুল।।

পাতার দেশের পাখি বাঁধা হিয়া বোঁটাতে,
গান তব শুনি সাঁঝে তব ফুটে ওঠাতে।

পউষের বেলা শেষ
পরি, জাফরানি বেশ
মরা মাচানের দেশ
ক'রে তোল মশগুল-
ঝিঙে ফুল।।

শ্যামলী মায়ের কোলে সোনামুখ খুকু রে,
আলুথালু ঘুমু যাও রোদে গলা দুকুরে।
প্রজাপতি ডেকে যায়-
'বোঁটা ছিঁড়ে চলে আয়!'
আসমানের তারা চায়-
'চ'লে আয় এ অকূল!'
ঝিঙে ফুল।।
ঝিঙে ফুল নিয়ে সুন্দর একটি গান আছে।গানের কলিগুলো এমন-
তুমি বল-'আমি হায়
ভালোবাসি মাটি-মা'য়,
চাই না ও অলকায়-
ভালো এই পথ-ভুল!'
ঝিঙে ফুল।।

The ghosts of two children pretend to mix the mud

The ghosts of two children pretend to mix the mud

Three poems written by poets of the extraordinary

Three poems written by poets of the extraordinary

Adam Child

•The poet-1. Atul Ai Gumej, 2. Nur mosharraf and 3. Azad Abul Kalam
The man child, baby beta
What is now?
How do you tear down the mud-clay
Then use the stairs use the stairs.
They were bare body alone
Will be left alone again,
How do you tell the children with more
When it will be?.?

You are the one I young
Know information knowledge,
Then, before we have
Two days of space.
We create with clay
At the end, on the ground.
If the call will be David
No unbelief.
I will go back to you
Great teacher of love,
I will see you.
One day, the last judgement in the fields.

The trial judge is not the end of the end of the country.
Then life started,
Will you judge me
The group or teacher.
Work will receive even better
Or a wrong,
Good work, will judge sin.
The same amount of hair.
Be a bad time to tag
Don't do this prayer,
The ground if the ground body.
Will not.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Farmers harvest rice on a grassy land in Bangladesh

Farmers harvest rice on a grassy land in Bangladesh.

Inspiring Nature Quotations

Inspiring Nature Quotations

In all, the environment is beautiful .
Sheep walking on a green field .
The new building at the end of the field .
The old village has increased the number of family members at home .
So at the end of the field, this new house needs .
Inspiring Nature Quotations!

সব মিলিয়ে সুন্দর এক পরিবেশ।

সবুজ মাঠে চড়ে বেড়াচ্ছে মেষের পাল।
মাঠের প্রান্তে নতুন বাড়ী।
পুরাতন গ্রামের বাড়ীতে পরিবারের সদস্য সংখ্যা বেড়ে গেছে।
তাই প্রয়োজনের তাগিতে মাঠের প্রান্তে এই নতুন বাড়ী।
সব মিলিয়ে সুন্দর এক পরিবেশ।

"Who 's there ?

"Who 's there ?

Who 's there ?
I am Yours.
Ray head ?
Mango shake .
Why do not you eat??
Lodge .
Why not give?
O father .

ওখানে কে রে ?

ওখানে কে রে ?
আমি খোকা।
মাথায় কি রে?
আমের ঝাঁকা ।
খাসনে কেন রে?
দাঁতে পোকা।
বিলুস নে কেন রে?
ওরে বাবা।

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Flowering trees loudspeakers

loudspeaker flowers-1

loudspeaker flowers-2
Flowering trees loudspeakers

I am living in sunamganj district in Bangladesh.
People there say that this flower jiul trees  flowers.
Flowers are pink and purple wool to see.
See Flowers such as loudspeakers.
That is why I am call loudspeaker flowers.
Children with this flower s made a play loudspeaker or Mike does.
Children recite poetry and sing into the microphone on the game,
Sometimes call Halo Halo.

loudspeakers flower trees are thin and tall.
Trees can grow very quickly and are
Fast growth.
Mike flower stems into small pieces when it is grown up and buried.

Their own people from the flood of rain water of time to Home Soil protect the land of with the loudspeakers flowers  trees planted.
During late autumn, cut because the RAM from the poisonous snakes living in mice.
Cut the dried plant is used as cooking fires.
loudspeakers flowers  plant vegetables in the garden is fenced.

loudspeakers plant fence to plant the trees, he was born again.

People in low land areas, water flooded the plant to be quite beneficial in protecting the soil foundation.
The flower's very nice to see.

Friday, November 6, 2015

How to join Google Plus -গুগল প্লাসে কিভাবে যোগদান করবেন

How to join Google Plus
Within a few weeks of opening to everybody, social network Google+ – or Google Plus – had accumulated 10 million users, and this number soon doubled. While the number of people using Google + regularly is still lower than established Facebook, registrations continue at an incredible rate. All newly registered Google users, such as those signing up for a Gmail account - receive a basic Google Plus profile. 
It’s easy to join Google+ so why not try it out and see if it’s a site you enjoy using?

See our guide What is Google Plus? for more information.

You’ll need:

  • a computer with an internet connection
  • an email account set up and ready to send and receive emails.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to join Google+

Step 1: Go to the Google+ website. All sign ins for any Google application are all one sign in. If you have a Google account, sign in, if not, click on Create an account at the bottom of the page.  

Step 2: You will be taken to a screen called ‘Create a new Google account’, where you need to fill in your Name, preferred Username, Password, Birthday, Gender, Mobile Phone and Other email address. You will also need to agree to Google’s terms and conditions. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 3: When you have set up an account with Google, continue to sign into Google +.

Step 4: When you first log into Google+ you will need to setup a profile to get the best out of the utility. Click on Create Profile.

Step 5: Complete your personal information and a username that everyone will see. Click Upgrade.

Step 6: On the next page, Google+ will ask you if you want to add anyone that it thinks you might know to your friends list. Complete if you want to, otherwise just click Next.

Step 7: The next page then ask you if you want to follow other pages that might interest you. Again, choose if you wish or click Continue. It may prompt you if you don’t pick anything at this point, but continue anyway.

Step 8: You now have the opportunity to add a photo to your profile. You can either Snap a photo with your webcam or you can upload a photo from your computer. Click on your choice and follow the onscreen prompts to upload your picture. You can see how you will look to the outside world from the preview in the right hand side of the screen.

Step 9: Once you have uploaded a picture you may also like to complete further information about yourself such as where you went to school or where you work  If you don’t want to complete this, just click Finish.

Step 10:  You are now ready to start using Google+.

On the way to Constantinople The Adventures of Ibn Battuta Historical thriller

On the way to Constantinople

The Adventures of Ibn Battuta Historical thriller

Eid is celebrated at the end of the Sultan Haji caravan Mount Khan (Astrakhan), a town to the left.
It is winter in the Uzbek capital of Sultan Muhammad.
Away from the south of the Sultanate caravan continued on the Volga River.
Because winter is frozen Volga river.
The Volga river is one of the new super-highway takes the form of snow.
But there are difficulties on the way to the slippery ice.
Therefore, the order of the sultan, hundreds were scattered by the way the haystack.
Turks in this region, domestic animals do not feed dry hay.
Cattle pasture, the cattle eat the green grass.
Straw for the fire or slippery snow spray is used.
The straw spread on the Volga river ice Sultanate fleet and cavalry went on a caravan of cars.
Turakhane lasted three days, the pilgrims arrived.
Volga River during the summer when the ice began to melt way.
The car with the fear of sinking.
Or Ice Sheet collapse, including horses and camels are afraid of drowning.

Anyway, we are going well pilgrims arrived turakhane.
I heard you come here
Three of the Sultan Khatun Begum Pilu go home to his father.
Because she is pregnant.
Pilu Khatun father's house to spend the time.
For a few days I had a desire to visit Constantinople.
Pilu Khatun father's house heard it go dormant in my mind was Called up again.
If I try to go to the city of Constantinople to the Pilu Khatun said.
Sultan said that the pleading, I would like to visit Constantinople.
Sultan refused at first.
That said, in a distant way, and also the people of the city to another.
There may be many dangers.
I eventually persuaded the Sultan had a lot to persuade.
Please note that the Sultan had assured me Pilu Khatun.

I told everyone goodbye before going to Constantinople.
Sultan me one thousand five hundred dinars, gave some good horses and a shirt.
Mass Khatun sent me all the money.
The gifts were all higher than Shahzadi kuksukera verses.
In addition to the money he sent for my horse and cloak.
Thus, much of my wealth was accumulated.
On August twenty-seven Pilu khatiun‘s caravan of Constantinople began to go.
Under that many Amir took five thousand men, with a force Khatun.
Khatun as a special bodyguard was five hundred cavalry.
There are about two hundred of them Roman.
Turkish others.
In addition, there are more than two hundred Servant girl Caravan Khatun, the majority of whom are Roman.
Khatun car caravan of four hundred.
The two thousand horses, three cows and three hundred camels were included in the caravan.
Khatun personal servants of the Roman and the Indians.
Indian officials sambala leaders.
Mikhail Roman servants and leaders.
Khatun, a lot of personal servant-servant girl.
Sultanate mostly remained in the camp.

Khatun caravan up to a day ahead of the Sultan came with him.
Then he came back with Malaka and the prince.
Pilu Khatun Khatun came two more one-way.
Then came back with two Khatun goodbye.

Khatun with the car, I'm going on a horse-drawn carriage.
A small herd of horses, my horses are with me.
Cross the desert and mountainous areas impassable for several days, we arrived in town.
Ukaka name of the city.
The air is very cold.
From here the path of the Russians in the mountainous area.
Russians, yellow hair and blue eyes.
Physiognomy to the Soviets faced.
Russians believe the killer known as the untidy nature.

There are plenty of silver mines in the Soviets.
‘Saum’ as much silver is bought and sold here.

Crimea peninsula ukaka ten days after we came to the coastal city suradake.
Suradaka quite a large port city.
Most of the wooden houses.
Turkish residents, but some Christians and Muslims hostage Roman professional lives.

From the start of our journey was suradaka.
City after city has been crossed.
If we lived in a city stopover on the way to the local chief Khatun brought many gifts.
Not only his own troop of escort to the border area of advanced Khatun said.
They are thieves and robbers or enemies attack a caravan escort khatanera fear not.
This area is full of peace and order prevailed and
There is no fear of robbers killed the disaster.
Sultan honored her with the appropriate respect for the chief was reached.
Military chiefs ahead of us, and the various town
  Lots of horses, cattle, goat, cow's milk and other food items sent to Khatun.
On the go at one time in our caravan arrived in the border town salatu`s  parents.
This is the last frontier in the Turkish Empire.
Since the beginning of this salatu Rome area.
A few days after the interval salatuke city of Rome, in the beginning of our journey.
Turakhana pilgrims come from the increasing number of my horse stood fifties.
Khatun because of her Arab tourists, meaning that the animal gifts for my two horses and a goat would have a fat.
I'd been in the slaughter of horses for food.
Bakarara my own slaves and servants to eat with the Turks.
The caravan Khatun, one of my own herd of horses was created.

We entered Rome in August of fifteen.
Arid desert area.
Eighteen days after the long journey to Rome, the first settlement in the pomchalama mahatulite.
The caravan stopover Khatun was a fort.
Khatun, the news was spread around.

Be mahatuli Constantinople twenty tow days.
This area is through the remote mountainous areas.
So carriage, cow or camel car here obsolete.
Just riding horses or mules to go this way.
For many of these rogue commander Nikolai brought Khatun.
Khatun sent to me from there, six fat bastard.
I stuck with the cars and servants mahatulite
I stuck with the cars and servants mahatuli.
I will not return as the day gets here, they will wait.
Mahitulite masajid our tent was put up.
From now on Ajahn rules were repealed.
Now we come to the area because of the Muslim-Christian area.
Gifts come in a variety of materials is forbidden to Khatoon started.
I even heard Khatun to a close attendant, she started eating the flesh of pigs.
His fleet, the Turks are not one of them, and no prayers.
Steps to ensure that any problem is not in my prayers to the captain ordered Khatun.

This me ..Walking along the shepherd

This me

Shahanara jorna

Walking along the shepherd  they have trouble walking,
If you leave out of sight.
Induction of the ferry terminal at the old boatman
Bhatiali  songs tunes Sail Fly.
Silently hat and said, "Go to where you desire;
I'll still be the! "

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Debate and understanding!

 Debate and understanding!

The dispute,
Do not know which one to start,
And the end result is always zero.
Still, everyone fought debate,
He fought duet,
Western lively tale past.
There is no person in this pointless fight.
The beautiful mind of the wise,
Fall storm,
As the leaf storm,
Mixed with the soil,
If materials are fire related,
If cooking fuel poor.
The useful intelligence is lost
Is mixed away to infinite.
At one time the debate is over.
The new intelligence is stored for no debate.
Intelligence disappeared again,
Look, change is not wisdom,
There is no need for improving the understanding of,
Just give rise to debate?
Many people today are so wretched.

Photo-laboring women eating lunch in the shade of a sedentary retirement.

The vegetables bicycle

The vegetables bicycle

  The vegetables were cooked to eat.
If the vegetables have been destroyed to create the bicycle.
But the Vegetables of bicycles art is beautiful.

সবজির বাই সাইকেল

 সবজি গুলো রান্না করে খাওয়া যেতো।
বাই সাইকেল বানানোতে শাক সবজি গুলো হয়তো নষ্ট হয়েছে।
কিন্তু  সবজির বাই সাইকেল এর শিল্প কর্মটি অসাধারণ সুন্দর।

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Children’s Song - শিশুদের গান

The Children’s Song

Rudyard Kipling
LAND of our Birth, we pledge to thee
Our love and toil in the years to be;
When we are grown and take our place,
As men and women, with our race.
Father in Heaven, who lovest all.
Oh help Thy children when they call;
That they may build from age to age,
An undefiled heritage.
Teach us to bear the yoke in youth,
With steadfastness and careful truth;
That, in our time, Thy Grace may give
The Truth whereby the Nations live.
Teach us to rule ourselves alway,
Controlled and cleanly night and day;
That we may bring, if need arise,
No maimed or worthless sacrifice.
Teach us to look in all our ends,
On Thee for judge, and not our friends;
That we, with Thee, may walk uncowed
By fear or favour of the crowd.
Teach us the Strength that cannot seek,
By deed or thought, to hurt the weak;
That, under Thee, we may possess
Man’s strength to comfort man’s distress.
Teach us Delight in simple things,
And Mirth that has no bitter springs;
Forgiveness free of evil done,
And Love to all men ’neath the sun!
Land of our Birth, our faith, our pride,
For whose dear sake our fathers died;
Oh Motherland, we pledge to thee,
Head, heart, and hand through the years to be!

I do not know this logically পারিব না এ কথাটি

I do not know this logically

I do not know this logically do not say
Why not think of the times.
Maybe the others
You will it
Do not ever do that again care
If you fail one time and see a hundred times.

পারিব না এ কথাটি

পারিব না এ কথাটি বলিও না আর
কেন পারিবে না তাহা ভাব এক বার।
পাঁচ জনে পারে যাহা
তমিও পারিবে তাহা
পার কিনা পার কর যতন আবার
এক বারে না পারিলে দেখ শত বার।

The question of surprised কালিদাস পন্ডিতের ধাঁধাঁ

The question of surprised কালিদাস পন্ডিতের ধাঁধাঁ

1.He tied the rope around his neck hanging in the night
The latch is in the middle of the water.

2.Jump like a tiger, dog sitting,
Floats if dropped in the water becomes lighter.

3.Without fins fly away, there is a multitude of faces,
The light illuminates it, or do you know him?

4.The blood from his face blue, green, black,
He is also well-educated people.

5.For three children, the one percent
Had left were otherwise.

In reply to: - tree juice from the tree to fall,2. Frogs,3.Cloud,4. Pen & 5. ununa / stove

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The vegetables


The vegetables

Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are the main agricultural produce.
Lots of vegetables in winter is usually generated.
Winter vegetables found a bargain.
The farmers do not get fair value for a lot of crops grown.
Time of the year to cut down the price of vegetables.
For example,
Two hundred and ten pounds of chili money is money kilograms.
Twenty kilograms of money to pay one hundred kilograms of beans.
One hundred taka kilograms to one taka kilogram of tomatoes.
One hundred taka kilogram to  twenty taka of the onion.
Its price fell so that farmers produce tomatoes.
The decrease in the price of tomato farmers protesting in the street threw tomatoes.
In the absence of any measures to improve the protection of winter crops are destroyed.
Need cold storage for preservation.
Need electricity to cold.
But there is a shortage of electricity.
Onion is grown in countries that do not meet the needs.
India is importing onions.
If the onion is grown in India are caused by natural disasters,
However, India's onion exports had stopped.
And the market, onion prices rose.
He is suffering due to price increases more than the poor people of the onion.
The essential thing in the paper price increase is not a problem for the rich.
Difficulties due to the poor more than the price.
Agricultural commodity prices throughout the year, as well as discrimination.
Subway in the sky as the rich poor gap.
Yet the people of Bangladesh in mourning grief happy to fight in life.
They are evidence of creative thinking.
This is proof of this beautiful flower decorated with vegetables.

What are deceiving your wife?


What are deceiving your wife?

 What is the wife deceives or hype?
There is no way to understand it. However,
 you may notice some signs that you can understand.
Wife aware of the idea.

• phone calls: If you tell her low voice while talking on the phone with your wife deceives you.
If the phone does not change the habits of the text message and you will know your wife deceives you.
If you love the way he has dealt with the first time to meet,
If such behavior;
If the phone has changed the habits and
If you are unable to change,
And see, if it has developed a relationship with someone else.

• bath and exercise: your wife returned home to take a shower,
  Not once did the day before the bath.
The wife of a sudden he started to exercise.
  Two issues of the exercise could be a valid excuse.
Also could be a new love interest.
  On the other hand, due to the physical relationship, she can bathe in the afternoon.
  Bath in the morning or the night before that he would.

•meet with girlfriends: he spends more time with her friends than ever before, a lot of time in the afternoon to spend with them,
  Before that you could not see;
  Who was his reply when asked his reply is sincere,
  And see, if your wife is not with girlfriends,
  He was out with someone else.

•perfume scent: a new perfume smell from your wife,
If you did not get before,
It means that someone else has created relationships with your wife.

• Eye contact: eye, he stopped to talk or answer questions,
  He would never do that before;
  But if you are looking for but can not direct his attention.
Most people in the eye is very difficult to tell a lie.
  If you lie to your wife, then he would not be able to look at your eyes.

• sexual deviations: to lose interest in her than sexual intercourse.
During sexual intercourse, he is just pretending.
 Before you know about sex or you want to learn new techniques.
 Like previous sexual conduct.
Sexual behaviors have changed.
Indicates that the relationship between the new and
He was out of the house to meet his sexual demands.
 That was his sexual deviations.
 Since these symptoms can be absolutely sure whether the next topic.

Something must have happened before did not expect to be careful.

The Toy Game


The Toy Game

Keep themselves in the game with toy horse,
Punk drum porous bamboo slips.
Drum players went to one to one,
Drum players went orange flowers
Orange flowers, parrots married sun uncle.

আগডুম বাগডুম

আগডুম বাগডুম ঘোড়াডুম সাজে,
ঢাক ডোল ঝাঁঝর বাজে।
বাজতে বাজতে চললো ঢুলি,
ঢুলি গেল কমলা ফুলি।
কমলাফুলির টিয়েটা সুয্যি মামার বিয়েটা।

Monday, November 2, 2015

Green fields of improvised hut

 Green fields of improvised hut

Side of the road to go to the fields,
Cloudy sky on canvas.
Green fields of improvised hut.
Green field and cloudy sky on the ground is very beautiful painting house sluggish.
No one has been made by hobby everywhere in the middle of the field ,this is the hut.
Was made out of necessity to live.
Bangladesh's population is constantly growing.
Children do not live at home before going to rise.
Like the rest of the land is rural house.
It's part of living in the agricultural lands of the hut.
Bangladesh has always housed a kennel or town of residence.
As a result of reduced crop land is missing.
Food production continues to decline.
Being of people living crisis.
The development of a population of more than one cause of disability.
Everywhere in the middle of the field for the life of this kennel was nice to see.
This is the struggle of life and the suffering of those who lived in the house sluggish.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Freedom, happiness স্বাধীনতার সুখ

Freedom, happiness

Starlings birds called with the sparrow,
""You have to live in the huts try to work in the industry bounce
That I am living happily building,
You may have trouble just sun, rain storm. "
Starlings birds laughed, "so your words?
I got in trouble in my own home.
While building your home, other
I'm happy to be in my house. "

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The bill is a small fishing village, the farmer's sons

The bill is a small fishing village, the farmer's sons

Now the winter.
Has reduced water bills.
Small fish have less water bill.
Farmer Boys is going to catch small fish.
Going fishing with nets.
There are no fish to pan with.
Before the bill would get a little bit of water, land and abundant fish.
There is now much more than fish.
The bill gives the government the lease.

The bill Hijal karaca plant trees to create fish habitat ground.
The public can not catch fish.

Bill lease profiting from the rich to sell the fish.
The bill goes to the city of the big fish.
The big fish of the villagers never attained.
Regarding the bill was filed in the High Court.
The bill is in the possession of the government pro.
As a result, the bill can not catch fish.
Fishing is very good.
But the bill was reduced to fish.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

question of surprised-Kalidas

question of surprised-Kalidas

1.There is no dear girl was kicked
Still, any thing in his head held high?
2.After becoming widowed white robes,
Still, he does not eat, bathe beautiful!
3.The question of surprised to be two hundred and fifty
How does the rest of minus five to fifty?
4.House there is no door
people have not to mention!
5.Clay pots, wooden cow,
Drink honey every year!
In reply to: -
1. The redemption rice threshing floor,2. Garlic,3. Zero,4. Grave & 5. Palm tree

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The lower left side of the road to the land

 The lower left side of the road to the land

A few meters of land in the lower left side of the road.
Now the autumn term.
The rainy season is filled with water, the lower land.
When the sea water became beautiful.
Eden Park for the entertainment of the people's weariness could be on the road.
There is a no roadside railing.
Have not created any park!
The development of the people's weariness of this entertainment is ignored.
The road to defend the have concrete blocks.
The road was to connect with the streets,
The river, the bridge was to connect.
It does not appear to us to go to the engine-driven vehicle.
Some in the movement of the motor bike.
End of the road away from the market.
Tower has a mobile phone company in the market.
Rural wooden pillar with power lines on the left side of the street.
The roads are not wide enough.
This route could be a problem for the people operating the vehicle.
Road accident which may be loss of life.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

একজন মিনতি রানীর হৃদয় বিদারক কাহিনী

একজন মিনতি রানীর হৃদয় বিদারক কাহিনী

সত্য ঘটনা অবলম্বনে।
খুবই সুন্দরী ছিলে তুমি, মিনতি। ছোটখাট গড়নের; ফর্সা রং, টিকলো নাক, টানা চোখ; সব মিলিয়ে কী যে একটা মায়া ছড়িয়ে ছিল তোমার সারা শরীরটা জুড়ে। সবাই তোমার মাকে বলতো, "দেখিস লক্ষী, তোর মেয়ে একদিন রাজরানী হবে"। মা গর্বভরে জবাব দিত, " তাতো হবেই, তোমরা দেখে নিও। তাইতো নাম রেখেছি, রাণী, মিনতি রাণী।"
মায়ের গর্ব শেষ হয়না। বয়স তের না পেরতেই সমন্ধ আসে নানা জায়গা থেকে। অবশেষে চৌদ্দ না পেরতেই বিয়ে দিতেই হ'ল মিনতিকে। রাষ্ট্রের সহৃদয় কর্মচারিদের কল্যাণে মিনতির বয়স কোন বাঁধাই হয়ে দাঁড়াতে পারেনি এ বিয়ের বেলায়। তাই, নেহায়েত বাধ্য হয়েই তাকে মায়ের কোল ছেড়ে আসতে হলো কিশোরগঞ্জের কটিয়াদিতে। মেয়েদের আসল আশ্রয়, স্বামীর বাড়ি। স্বামীটিও বেশ, বয়েস বিশের কোটায়, নকশি কাঁথার রুপাই এর মত। শ্যামলা, মিষ্টি চেহারা, সব কাজের কাজি। দোষের মধ্যে কেবল একটাই, আসলে কোন কাজ নেই, বেকার ভবঘুরে।
গল্পটি এখানে শেষ হতে পারতো, কিন্তু দয়াময় সৃষ্টিকর্তার যে গূঢ় রহস্যে মানবজীবন আবর্তিত হয় তার খানিক ভেদ নির্ণয়ে হয়তো মিনতি রাণীর প্রয়োজন ছিল। যদিও তার জীবনের চরম পরিণতির সুদূরতম সাক্ষী হিসেবে আমার কি প্রয়োজন ছিল তার কারণ নির্ণয়ের ব্যর্থ প্রচেষ্টায় আমার বাকী জীবনও ব্যয়িত হবে।
গল্পটি আসলে এ পর্যন্তই, বাকিটা গল্প নয় নিরেট বাস্তবতা।
উপজেলা ম্যাজিস্টেট হিসেবে যোগ দিয়েছি কিশোরগঞ্জের কটিয়াদিতে। মনের মতো কাজ। মানুষকে জেলে ঢুকাই, বের করে আনি, কাউকে জামিন দেই, কাউকে দেইনা। তবে, নিজেও তেমন জামিন পাইনা। সকাল ১০ টায় এজলাসে বসে ঠান্ডা মাথায় নতুন মামলার অভিযোগ শুনি। কোনটাতে সমন, কোনটাতে গ্রেফতারি আর বেশির ভাগই তদন্তে পাঠাই। তারপর শুনি জামিন। কোন আসামী কোর্টে আত্মসমর্পন করেছে, কোনটাকে আনা হয়েছে জেলখানা থেকে। কারো বিরুদ্ধে চুরির অভিযোগ, কারো ডাকাতির কেউ বা খুনের আসামি। মামলা শুনতে শুনতে মাথা গরম হয়ে আসলে খাস কামরায় একটু বিশ্রাম। দুপরের খাবারের সামান্য বিরতির পর দিনের প্রথমার্ধের ঘোষিত আদেশগুলো নথিতে সম্পূর্ণ লিখে রাখা। দিনের দ্বিতীয়ার্ধে প্রায়শ: সাক্ষী থাকে, যা ফেরত দেয়া সমীচীন নয়। কাজের মধ্যে আরেকটা ছিল উর্ধ্বতন আদালতের আদেশ প্রতিপালন করা। যাদের সামর্থ্য আছে তারা নিম্ন আদালতের বিচারাধীন মামলা মহামান্য হাইকোর্টে নিয়ে ফেলে রাখতে পারেন বছরের পর বছর। সেখানে দুর্বল প্রতিপক্ষের করণীয় তেমন নেই। এরকম আদেশভুক্ত নথিগুলো পেশকার আলাদা করে রাখেন। এভাবে সন্ধ্যা গড়িয়ে রাতের কিছুটা প্রহর কাটিয়ে প্রায়ই বাসায় ফিরতাম ক্লান্ত পরিশ্রান্ত হয়ে। সময়মতো লিখতে না পারা কিছু নথিও নিয়ে আসতাম অবসর বিনোদনের জন্যে। আর সপ্তাহের ছুটির দিনগুলোর প্রায় সবকটিই যেতো রায় লিখায়। কোন কোন মহামান্য বিচারক যেমন রায় না দিয়ে বছরের পর বছর মামলা ফেলে রাখতে পারেন; আমাদের মতো নিম্ন আদালতে সে সুযোগ তেমন ছিলনা। তারপরেও আনন্দ ছিল, বিবেকমতো কাজ করতে পারার। মনে হত কাজ করছি, মানুষের জন্য।
একটা মামলায় মহামান্য হাইকোর্টের উপর্যুপরি কয়টি আদেশ দেখেছি, প্রতিবারই কয়েকমাস করে স্থগিতাদেশের মেয়াদ বাড়ানো হয়েছে। আদেশের গায়ে স্বাক্ষর করে তা বাস্তবায়নের জন্য পেশকারের হাতে দেই। তিনি তা যথাস্থানে তুলে রাখেন। বুঝলাম এটি একটি হত্যা মামলা। আসামীপক্ষ মামলাটি প্রায় দু'বছর ধরে একতরফাভাবে স্থগিত করে রেখেছেন। মহামান্য আদালতের ইংরেজীতে দেয়া আদেশ স্পষ্ট এবং সংক্ষিপ্ত; বাংলায় প্রায় এরকম, "প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট আদালত কটিয়াদির --- নম্বর মামলার স্থগিতাদেশের মেয়াদ আরো দুইমাস বর্ধিত করা হইল"।
এরকমই চলছিল। হঠাৎ একদিন একই মামলার এজাতীয় আরেকটি আদেশ পেয়ে মামলাটির বিষয়ে জানতে চাইলে পেশকার জানালেন এটি এ্যাডভোকেট ঘোষবাবুর মামলা। তিনি ঘোষবাবুকে খাস কামরায় আমার সালাম পৌঁছালেন। ঘোষবাবু জানালেন এটি হত্যা মামলা; ভেরি ইন্টারেস্টিং এবং করুণ ঘটনা। সোলেমান চেয়ারম্যান(ছদ্ম নাম) বর্তমান চেয়ারম্যানের বিরুদ্ধে মামলাটি। তিনি এবং তার সাঙ্গপাঙ্গদের বিরুদ্ধে তার নিজ গাঁয়ের একটি হিন্দু মেয়েকে ধর্ষনের পর হত্যার অভিযোগে এ মামলাটির উদ্ভব হয়। বিশদ জানার জন্য নথিটি বাসায় নিয়ে গেলাম।
বাসায় ফিরে কোনমতে হাতমুখ ধুয়ে নথিটি নিয়ে বসলাম। মেয়েটির নাম মিনতি রানী। বাড়ি, পার্শ্ববর্তী জেলা ব্রাহ্মণবাড়ীয়ায়। সদ্য বিয়ে হয়ে এ গাঁয়ে এসেছে। স্বামীটি আমড়া কাঠের ঢেঁকি, লেখাপড়া সামান্য; এখনো বাপের হোটেলেই খায়। জমিজমা বর্গা দেয়া, তাই কাজ বিশেষ নেই। এখন সুযোগ পেলেই নতুন বউ নিয়ে পাশের গাঁয়ের আত্মীয় বাড়ীতে যায়। ফেরার পথে গ্রাম্য বাজার থেকে সস্তা চূড়ি, চিরুনি কেনে বউয়ের জন্য। বউটি খুবই সুন্দরী, রাস্তায় বের হলে সবাই তাকায়। এখন তার মান মর্যাদাই আলাদা। মা বাবার একমাত্র ছেলে, টাকাকড়ি বিশেষ নেই, যে জমিজমা  আছে তাতে ছোট সংসার কোনমতে চলে। তবে ছেলের আনন্দেই মা বাবার সুখ। ভগবান চাইলে আর কটা দিন! মেয়ে কটিরও বিয়ে হয়ে গেছে।
ওদের স্বামীর বাড়ী বেশ দূরে, হিন্দু মেয়েদের জন্য জাতপাত মিলানো ঢের কঠিন। আড়ে থেকে
পর পর কয়দিন মেয়েটিকে দেখলো চেয়ারম্যান। তারপর সুযোগমতো একা পেয়ে প্রস্তাব, সেই সাথে নানা প্রলোভন।

People for people-মানুষ মানুষের জন্য

People for people

 ★Noor Musharraf ★

Life ring, always running
Good job fade into the sin of
Human policy, compassion
People for people.

Allah creates life, attention
Why is life the life of product.
Dirty game, With the end of the
People for people.

Born man, happens giant
At stake for humanity,
Hand in hand, there is no conflict
People for people.

Mine of knowledge, great dives
Otherwise the misery,
Human instinct, the knowledge
People for people.

Absolute treasure, priceless gems
Among the blessed,
Eliminating discrimination, everlasting happiness
People for people.

The gentleman, to acquire knowledge
Life War soldiers,
Pen in hand, not spear
People for people.

You lose, you will be able to
Neither the midst of his own,
Come forward, O conscience!
People for people.

Rise today, the whole society
Buried in the destruction,
Stop fighting, perpetually clean
People for people.

Seasoned rice field

 পাকা ধানের মাঠ
 Seasoned rice field

Friday, November 13, 2015

Fish caught from the bill going to market for Sale

বিলের হতে ধরা মাছ বাজারে যাচ্ছে বিক্রয় করার জন্য
Fish caught from the bill going to market for Sale

The moon was rising and flowers

The moon was rising and flowers

Moon is rising
Flowers have been developed
Who steps under the tree
Elephant dance
Dancing horses
Children princess wedding ceremony

চাঁদ উঠেছে ফুল ফুটেছে

চাঁদ উঠেছে
ফুল ফুটেছে
কদম তলায় কে
হাতি নাচছে
ঘোড়া নাচছে
সোনামণির বে।

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Come on girl Let Me Go I ain't got no damn fleas!!:D

Amin's story is a residential hotel in Toronto

Amin's story is a residential hotel in Toronto

When I arrived at the hotel in Toronto, the city of Sylhet Divisional Road Taltala five in the afternoon.
November is fast approaching noon hour in the evening.
Toronto residential hotel for the night lunch counter was chosen to lead.
From here, go to the office of the commissioner in Alampur facilities and hotel in the city.
The next morning I had to be part of the divisional commissioner's office in the case of DP.
However, entered the courtyard of the hotel with two bags.
Counter-desk manager was missing.
I saw a young boy sitting on the couch watching cartoons on television.
I said I'd like a single room.

The allocations for the four-floor room.
V I P room, the boy said.
Hire two hundred taka.
However, difficulties arise was downstairs with two bags,
At the time, he said, uncle give me a bag.
Somewhat comfortable with a bag in his hand, looked to move the stairs.

Addressing his uncle seemed sincere and
  Nowadays, more and more people are using to call uncle.
People today rickshaw man was called uncle .
His father, uncle addressed to the rickshaw man uncle .
I do not know why that rickshaw man everyone calls uncle.
Maybe people against discrimination in society is to inform sincerity uncle addressed.
Entered the hotel room, VIP room and could not see any signs.
The night lunch counter reasonably Living room.
After arriving in the room, he asked for the money to twenty.
I gave him ten taka.
Then he said,
- "Uncle, if you tell me to bring tea for breakfast or snacks.
Do not be bothered to get off the ground floor, sitting room, you can eat. "
I said, - "I do not need any food.
I want to drink water.
Why would you want to bring the food? "
- "The manager of the hotel brought our food to be found in two of the four money tip.
I hope this tip some of the money to the people of the hotel food. "- He said.
He gave water to drink.
He said, if necessary, may pressure the calling bell.
He took away.

Nine o'clock at night, when he came to visit me again.
Wanted to know whether there is anything my needs.
He took money from me and gave it burns them to the store and buy a mosquito coil.
Do not mess up my sleep, so mosquitoes are biting.
Because the room had no masari.

At that time, there was no other job I want to find out something about him.
I asked, "What is your name?"
The boy said, "Amen."
- "How old?"
- "Sixteen years."
- "How much do you pay?"
- "Three thousand rupees per month, uncle."
- "What do you do with the money, three thousand?"
- "Two thousand two hundred rupees per month to the cost of feed."
Amin stopped here a little.

I ask again, -
- "What do the rest of the eight hundred money?"
- "Eight hundred taka give  to parents."
At this stage, I think the sympathy and interest of the amin.
I think the trouble is, like a lot of the hard life of the boy.

I thought, Amin child or young?
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child under 18 years old human child, the child said.
The National Child Policy under 14-year-old girl child is a boy.
  On the other hand the law clearly says that the majority, 18 years of age to adulthood.

Sixteen-year-old Amin's now time to study, time to dream, smile, happy time.
  But she has been working at the hotel for two meals, living.
This seemed to think, has a lot of sacrifice to achieve the independence of Bangladesh,
What are the advantages of the freedom, rights of children discriminated against in this country?

To study in schools and colleges for boys ages Amin
  Or the job was to be the best available.
The hotel did not have to work just to eat.
Perhaps the boys today, Amin's father, uncle or grandfather gave life to the fight for independence in the hope of a better life.
At the beginning of the life of an independent country that is suffering pain painful scene to fight to live.
Who is responsible for this situation?
I do not know.

I asked Amin, - "What is your father's name?"
-, "Mansoor Ahmed's fathers name." He says.
Such talk was known, Companiganj his house.
Kulasuma her mother's name.
Amin also has three brothers.
Is that they are brothers, Shaheen two years of age, eight-year-old Tfael, Hasan 13 years old.
Amin is the biggest, he was up to three classes.
Despite Amin's instructions not to fall off the family's financial solvency.
He said.

Mansur Uddin Amin's father has nut small business in Companiganj.
Mansur Uddin average monthly income of ten thousand.
He did not work at six.
The business capital of the responsibility to protect.
Veet's house, no land than fifteen percent of their acres.
This is due to the work of the Boy amanake Toronto hotel.

Amin's father in Mansur Uddin suparira small business.
Mansur Uddin average monthly income of ten thousand.
Six members of the family to bear the cost of ten thousand takas to trouble.
The business capital of the responsibility to protect.
Fifteen decimal house, but do not have any land.
Amin Toronto hotel boy's work is less due to their wealth.

He pointed out that,

  Boy's work at the hotel in less mony.
This Toronto hotel does not serve.
He will work Bholajanj stone mines.
Now, sixteen years of age according to the laws of the country will be able to work in the mines.

So much money goes to Amin Bholajanj stone quarry.
There are to be four to five hundred rupees daily, he said.
Bholajanj stone quarry, to the riverbed stones are harvested by machine.
He brought the stone basket is burdened with.
Which is very hard work.
Did Amin work this hard work?
The survival of such doom Look Amin of working life.
 Amin, who, like the millions of children unfortunate teenager.
Although the match of their lives thanks to the liberation of the country.
There are many good laws to protect the rights of children in Bangladesh.
There are labor laws.
But the law can not protect the rights of children?
This is the proof-
Amin's story is a residential hotel in Toronto...

The new village, a concrete road and Hijal-karaca garden

The new village, a concrete road and Hijal-karaca garden
Non Govt Organisation road made from concrete blocks.
End of the road in the green fields
The new village extends.
Hijal-tree are on the right side of the road.
Hijal karaca peculiarity is that the plant,
The tree sink down in the water is 6 months long, but survived.
The lower zone is flooded with water in the rainy season.
And this Hijal-karaca tree is visible on the water.
Then it indicates that there is crops field r under the water.
The tree was cut down over the bill,

If more fish in the river bill.

It was more than the fish could benefit from lease recipient of the Bill.
Before the low ground, were seen many Hijal- karaca garden.
Now, because of the people cut down Hijala karaca trees of the garden is reduced.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bamboo garden to the side of the pavement

Bamboo garden to the side of the pavement

The village is now paving dirt roads
Raw before the rainy season could not walking in mud .
After a few days down the road is now ripe for an unknown reason ,
Then went public with the problem.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tiger high-five through glass.

Tiger high-five through glass.

Lion uncle

Lion uncle

Lion uncle lion uncle
What are you doing ?
This look , What is your
It has been drawn.

সিংহ মামা

সিংহ মামা সিংহ মামা
করছ তুমি কি ?
এই দেখ না,কেমন তোমার
ছবি এঁকেছি।

Monday, November 9, 2015

বাবুই পাখি

বাবুই পাখি

বাবুই পাখিরে ডাকি,বলিছে চড়াই,
“কুঁড়ে ঘরে থাকি কর,শিল্পের বড়াই,
আমি থাকি মহাসুখে অট্টালিকা পরে,
তুমি কত কষ্ট পাও রোদ ,বৃষ্টি,ঝড়ে।”
বাবুই হাসিয়া কহে,“সন্দেহ কি তায়?
কষ্ট পাই,তবু থাকি নিজের বাসায়।
পাকা হোক.তবু ভাই,পরের ও বাসা
নিজ হাতে গড়া মোর কাঁচা ঘর,খাসা।”
কবি রজনীকান্ত সেনের কালজয়ী স্বাধীনতার সুখ  ছড়াটির নায়ক গ্রামবাংলার এই নিপুণ বাসা তৈরির কারিগর বাবুই পাখি ।
আগের মতো বাবুই পাখির দৃষ্টিনন্দন বাসা আজ আর চোখে পড়ে না।দেশের বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে দেখা যেত বাবুই পাখির দৃষ্টিনন্দন বাসা। কিন্তু কালের বিবর্তনে হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে এই শিল্পী, স্থপতি এবং সামাজিক বন্ধনের কারিগর বাবুই পাখি ও তার বাসা। খড়ের ফালি, ধানের পাতা, তালের কচিপাতা, ঝাউ ও কাশবনের লতাপাতা দিয়ে উঁচু তালগাছে চমৎকার বাসা তৈরি করতো বাবুই পাখিরা। সে বাসা যেমন দৃষ্টিনন্দন, তেমনি মজবুত। প্রবল ঝড়ে বাতাসে টিকে থাকে তাদের বাসা। বাবুই পাখি শক্তবুননের এ বাসা টেনেও ছেঁড়া কঠিন। বাবুই একধারে শিল্পী, স্থপতি এবং সামাজিক বন্ধনের প্রতিচ্ছবি। এরা এক বাসা থেকে আরেক বাসায় যায় পছন্দের সঙ্গী খুঁজতে। সঙ্গী পছন্দ হলে স্ত্রী বাবুইকে সাথী বানানোর জন্য কত কিছুই না করে পূরুণ বাবুই। পুরুষ বাবুই স্ত্রী বাবুইকে নিজের প্রতি আকর্ষণ করার জন্য খাল-বিল ও ডোবায় গোসল সেরে ফুর্তিতে নেচে নেচে বেড়ায় গাছের ডালে ডালে। এরপর উঁচু তালগাছ, নারিকেল বা সুপারি গাছের ডালে বাসা তৈরির কাজ শুরু করে।
বাসা তৈরির অর্ধেক কাজ হলে কাঙ্ক্ষিত স্ত্রী বাবুইকে ডেকে সেই বাসা দেখায়। বাসা পছন্দ হলেই কেবল সম্পর্ক গড়ে। স্ত্রী বাবুই পাখির বাসা পছন্দ হলে বাকিটা শেষ করতে পুরুষ বাবুইয়ের সময় লাগে চার দিন। কেননা তখন পুরুষ বাবুই মহাআনন্দে বিরামহীন কাজ করে। স্ত্রী বাবুই পাখির প্রেরণা পেয়ে পুরুষ বাবুই খুবই শিল্পসম্মত নিপুণভাবে বাসা তৈরি করে। স্ত্রী বাবুই ডিম দেওয়ার সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই পুরুষ বাবুই খুঁজতে থাকে আরেক সঙ্গীকে। পুরুষ বাবুই এক মৌসুমে ছয়টি পর্যন্ত বাসা তৈরি করতে পারে। অর্থাৎ এরা ঘর সংসার করতে পারে ছয় সঙ্গীর সঙ্গে, তাতে স্ত্রী বাবুইয়ের না নেই। স্ত্রী বাবুই ডিমে তা দেওয়ার দুই সপ্তাহের মধ্যে বাচ্চা ফোটে। আর তিন সপ্তাহ পর বাবুই বাচ্চা ছেড়ে উড়ে যায়।
বাবুই পাখির বাসা উল্টানো কলসীর মত দেখতে। বাসা বানাবার জন্য বাবুই খুব পরিশ্রম করে। ঠোঁট দিয় ঘাসের আস্তরণ সারায়। যত্ন করে পেট দিয়ে ঘষে(পালিশ করে) গোল অবয়ব মসৃণ করে। শুরুতে দুটি নিম্নমুখী গর্ত থাকে। পরে একদিক বন্ধ করে ডিম রাখার জায়গা হয়। অন্যদিকটি লম্বা করে প্রবেশ ও প্রস্থান পথ হয়। রাতের বেলায় ঘর আলোকিত করার জন্য এরা জোনাকি পোকা ধরে নিয়ে বাসায় রাখে এবং সকাল হলে আবার তাদের ছেড়ে দেয়।

কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের এর কবিতা ‘ঝিঙে ফুল’-Bangla Kobita ও জিঙে সবজি

কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের এর কবিতা ‘ঝিঙে ফুল’-Bangla Kobita  ও জিঙে সবজি

  আপনি যদি কখনো গ্রাম বাংলায় যান তবে অনেক কৃষকের বাড়ীর আঙিনায় এরকম সুন্দর হলুদ রঙের ঝিঙ্গে ফুল গুলো দেখতে পাবেন।যা দেখতে খুব সুন্দর ও মনোহর।এই মনোহর জিঙ্গে ফুল নিয়ে জাতীয় কবি কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম বলেছেন-

ঝিঙে ফুল
কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম

ঝিঙে ফুল! ঝিঙে ফুল!
সবুজ পাতার দেশে ফিরোজিয়া ফিঙে-কুল-
ঝিঙে ফুল।

গুল্মে পর্ণে
লতিকার কর্ণে
ঢলঢল স্বর্ণে
ঝলমল দোলে দুল-
ঝিঙে ফুল।।

পাতার দেশের পাখি বাঁধা হিয়া বোঁটাতে,
গান তব শুনি সাঁঝে তব ফুটে ওঠাতে।

পউষের বেলা শেষ
পরি, জাফরানি বেশ
মরা মাচানের দেশ
ক'রে তোল মশগুল-
ঝিঙে ফুল।।

শ্যামলী মায়ের কোলে সোনামুখ খুকু রে,
আলুথালু ঘুমু যাও রোদে গলা দুকুরে।
প্রজাপতি ডেকে যায়-
'বোঁটা ছিঁড়ে চলে আয়!'
আসমানের তারা চায়-
'চ'লে আয় এ অকূল!'
ঝিঙে ফুল।।
ঝিঙে ফুল নিয়ে সুন্দর একটি গান আছে।গানের কলিগুলো এমন-
তুমি বল-'আমি হায়
ভালোবাসি মাটি-মা'য়,
চাই না ও অলকায়-
ভালো এই পথ-ভুল!'
ঝিঙে ফুল।।

The ghosts of two children pretend to mix the mud

The ghosts of two children pretend to mix the mud

Three poems written by poets of the extraordinary

Three poems written by poets of the extraordinary

Adam Child

•The poet-1. Atul Ai Gumej, 2. Nur mosharraf and 3. Azad Abul Kalam
The man child, baby beta
What is now?
How do you tear down the mud-clay
Then use the stairs use the stairs.
They were bare body alone
Will be left alone again,
How do you tell the children with more
When it will be?.?

You are the one I young
Know information knowledge,
Then, before we have
Two days of space.
We create with clay
At the end, on the ground.
If the call will be David
No unbelief.
I will go back to you
Great teacher of love,
I will see you.
One day, the last judgement in the fields.

The trial judge is not the end of the end of the country.
Then life started,
Will you judge me
The group or teacher.
Work will receive even better
Or a wrong,
Good work, will judge sin.
The same amount of hair.
Be a bad time to tag
Don't do this prayer,
The ground if the ground body.
Will not.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Farmers harvest rice on a grassy land in Bangladesh

Farmers harvest rice on a grassy land in Bangladesh.

Inspiring Nature Quotations

Inspiring Nature Quotations

In all, the environment is beautiful .
Sheep walking on a green field .
The new building at the end of the field .
The old village has increased the number of family members at home .
So at the end of the field, this new house needs .
Inspiring Nature Quotations!

সব মিলিয়ে সুন্দর এক পরিবেশ।

সবুজ মাঠে চড়ে বেড়াচ্ছে মেষের পাল।
মাঠের প্রান্তে নতুন বাড়ী।
পুরাতন গ্রামের বাড়ীতে পরিবারের সদস্য সংখ্যা বেড়ে গেছে।
তাই প্রয়োজনের তাগিতে মাঠের প্রান্তে এই নতুন বাড়ী।
সব মিলিয়ে সুন্দর এক পরিবেশ।

"Who 's there ?

"Who 's there ?

Who 's there ?
I am Yours.
Ray head ?
Mango shake .
Why do not you eat??
Lodge .
Why not give?
O father .

ওখানে কে রে ?

ওখানে কে রে ?
আমি খোকা।
মাথায় কি রে?
আমের ঝাঁকা ।
খাসনে কেন রে?
দাঁতে পোকা।
বিলুস নে কেন রে?
ওরে বাবা।

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Flowering trees loudspeakers

loudspeaker flowers-1

loudspeaker flowers-2
Flowering trees loudspeakers

I am living in sunamganj district in Bangladesh.
People there say that this flower jiul trees  flowers.
Flowers are pink and purple wool to see.
See Flowers such as loudspeakers.
That is why I am call loudspeaker flowers.
Children with this flower s made a play loudspeaker or Mike does.
Children recite poetry and sing into the microphone on the game,
Sometimes call Halo Halo.

loudspeakers flower trees are thin and tall.
Trees can grow very quickly and are
Fast growth.
Mike flower stems into small pieces when it is grown up and buried.

Their own people from the flood of rain water of time to Home Soil protect the land of with the loudspeakers flowers  trees planted.
During late autumn, cut because the RAM from the poisonous snakes living in mice.
Cut the dried plant is used as cooking fires.
loudspeakers flowers  plant vegetables in the garden is fenced.

loudspeakers plant fence to plant the trees, he was born again.

People in low land areas, water flooded the plant to be quite beneficial in protecting the soil foundation.
The flower's very nice to see.

Friday, November 6, 2015

How to join Google Plus -গুগল প্লাসে কিভাবে যোগদান করবেন

How to join Google Plus
Within a few weeks of opening to everybody, social network Google+ – or Google Plus – had accumulated 10 million users, and this number soon doubled. While the number of people using Google + regularly is still lower than established Facebook, registrations continue at an incredible rate. All newly registered Google users, such as those signing up for a Gmail account - receive a basic Google Plus profile. 
It’s easy to join Google+ so why not try it out and see if it’s a site you enjoy using?

See our guide What is Google Plus? for more information.

You’ll need:

  • a computer with an internet connection
  • an email account set up and ready to send and receive emails.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to join Google+

Step 1: Go to the Google+ website. All sign ins for any Google application are all one sign in. If you have a Google account, sign in, if not, click on Create an account at the bottom of the page.  

Step 2: You will be taken to a screen called ‘Create a new Google account’, where you need to fill in your Name, preferred Username, Password, Birthday, Gender, Mobile Phone and Other email address. You will also need to agree to Google’s terms and conditions. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 3: When you have set up an account with Google, continue to sign into Google +.

Step 4: When you first log into Google+ you will need to setup a profile to get the best out of the utility. Click on Create Profile.

Step 5: Complete your personal information and a username that everyone will see. Click Upgrade.

Step 6: On the next page, Google+ will ask you if you want to add anyone that it thinks you might know to your friends list. Complete if you want to, otherwise just click Next.

Step 7: The next page then ask you if you want to follow other pages that might interest you. Again, choose if you wish or click Continue. It may prompt you if you don’t pick anything at this point, but continue anyway.

Step 8: You now have the opportunity to add a photo to your profile. You can either Snap a photo with your webcam or you can upload a photo from your computer. Click on your choice and follow the onscreen prompts to upload your picture. You can see how you will look to the outside world from the preview in the right hand side of the screen.

Step 9: Once you have uploaded a picture you may also like to complete further information about yourself such as where you went to school or where you work  If you don’t want to complete this, just click Finish.

Step 10:  You are now ready to start using Google+.

On the way to Constantinople The Adventures of Ibn Battuta Historical thriller

On the way to Constantinople

The Adventures of Ibn Battuta Historical thriller

Eid is celebrated at the end of the Sultan Haji caravan Mount Khan (Astrakhan), a town to the left.
It is winter in the Uzbek capital of Sultan Muhammad.
Away from the south of the Sultanate caravan continued on the Volga River.
Because winter is frozen Volga river.
The Volga river is one of the new super-highway takes the form of snow.
But there are difficulties on the way to the slippery ice.
Therefore, the order of the sultan, hundreds were scattered by the way the haystack.
Turks in this region, domestic animals do not feed dry hay.
Cattle pasture, the cattle eat the green grass.
Straw for the fire or slippery snow spray is used.
The straw spread on the Volga river ice Sultanate fleet and cavalry went on a caravan of cars.
Turakhane lasted three days, the pilgrims arrived.
Volga River during the summer when the ice began to melt way.
The car with the fear of sinking.
Or Ice Sheet collapse, including horses and camels are afraid of drowning.

Anyway, we are going well pilgrims arrived turakhane.
I heard you come here
Three of the Sultan Khatun Begum Pilu go home to his father.
Because she is pregnant.
Pilu Khatun father's house to spend the time.
For a few days I had a desire to visit Constantinople.
Pilu Khatun father's house heard it go dormant in my mind was Called up again.
If I try to go to the city of Constantinople to the Pilu Khatun said.
Sultan said that the pleading, I would like to visit Constantinople.
Sultan refused at first.
That said, in a distant way, and also the people of the city to another.
There may be many dangers.
I eventually persuaded the Sultan had a lot to persuade.
Please note that the Sultan had assured me Pilu Khatun.

I told everyone goodbye before going to Constantinople.
Sultan me one thousand five hundred dinars, gave some good horses and a shirt.
Mass Khatun sent me all the money.
The gifts were all higher than Shahzadi kuksukera verses.
In addition to the money he sent for my horse and cloak.
Thus, much of my wealth was accumulated.
On August twenty-seven Pilu khatiun‘s caravan of Constantinople began to go.
Under that many Amir took five thousand men, with a force Khatun.
Khatun as a special bodyguard was five hundred cavalry.
There are about two hundred of them Roman.
Turkish others.
In addition, there are more than two hundred Servant girl Caravan Khatun, the majority of whom are Roman.
Khatun car caravan of four hundred.
The two thousand horses, three cows and three hundred camels were included in the caravan.
Khatun personal servants of the Roman and the Indians.
Indian officials sambala leaders.
Mikhail Roman servants and leaders.
Khatun, a lot of personal servant-servant girl.
Sultanate mostly remained in the camp.

Khatun caravan up to a day ahead of the Sultan came with him.
Then he came back with Malaka and the prince.
Pilu Khatun Khatun came two more one-way.
Then came back with two Khatun goodbye.

Khatun with the car, I'm going on a horse-drawn carriage.
A small herd of horses, my horses are with me.
Cross the desert and mountainous areas impassable for several days, we arrived in town.
Ukaka name of the city.
The air is very cold.
From here the path of the Russians in the mountainous area.
Russians, yellow hair and blue eyes.
Physiognomy to the Soviets faced.
Russians believe the killer known as the untidy nature.

There are plenty of silver mines in the Soviets.
‘Saum’ as much silver is bought and sold here.

Crimea peninsula ukaka ten days after we came to the coastal city suradake.
Suradaka quite a large port city.
Most of the wooden houses.
Turkish residents, but some Christians and Muslims hostage Roman professional lives.

From the start of our journey was suradaka.
City after city has been crossed.
If we lived in a city stopover on the way to the local chief Khatun brought many gifts.
Not only his own troop of escort to the border area of advanced Khatun said.
They are thieves and robbers or enemies attack a caravan escort khatanera fear not.
This area is full of peace and order prevailed and
There is no fear of robbers killed the disaster.
Sultan honored her with the appropriate respect for the chief was reached.
Military chiefs ahead of us, and the various town
  Lots of horses, cattle, goat, cow's milk and other food items sent to Khatun.
On the go at one time in our caravan arrived in the border town salatu`s  parents.
This is the last frontier in the Turkish Empire.
Since the beginning of this salatu Rome area.
A few days after the interval salatuke city of Rome, in the beginning of our journey.
Turakhana pilgrims come from the increasing number of my horse stood fifties.
Khatun because of her Arab tourists, meaning that the animal gifts for my two horses and a goat would have a fat.
I'd been in the slaughter of horses for food.
Bakarara my own slaves and servants to eat with the Turks.
The caravan Khatun, one of my own herd of horses was created.

We entered Rome in August of fifteen.
Arid desert area.
Eighteen days after the long journey to Rome, the first settlement in the pomchalama mahatulite.
The caravan stopover Khatun was a fort.
Khatun, the news was spread around.

Be mahatuli Constantinople twenty tow days.
This area is through the remote mountainous areas.
So carriage, cow or camel car here obsolete.
Just riding horses or mules to go this way.
For many of these rogue commander Nikolai brought Khatun.
Khatun sent to me from there, six fat bastard.
I stuck with the cars and servants mahatulite
I stuck with the cars and servants mahatuli.
I will not return as the day gets here, they will wait.
Mahitulite masajid our tent was put up.
From now on Ajahn rules were repealed.
Now we come to the area because of the Muslim-Christian area.
Gifts come in a variety of materials is forbidden to Khatoon started.
I even heard Khatun to a close attendant, she started eating the flesh of pigs.
His fleet, the Turks are not one of them, and no prayers.
Steps to ensure that any problem is not in my prayers to the captain ordered Khatun.

This me ..Walking along the shepherd

This me

Shahanara jorna

Walking along the shepherd  they have trouble walking,
If you leave out of sight.
Induction of the ferry terminal at the old boatman
Bhatiali  songs tunes Sail Fly.
Silently hat and said, "Go to where you desire;
I'll still be the! "

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Debate and understanding!

 Debate and understanding!

The dispute,
Do not know which one to start,
And the end result is always zero.
Still, everyone fought debate,
He fought duet,
Western lively tale past.
There is no person in this pointless fight.
The beautiful mind of the wise,
Fall storm,
As the leaf storm,
Mixed with the soil,
If materials are fire related,
If cooking fuel poor.
The useful intelligence is lost
Is mixed away to infinite.
At one time the debate is over.
The new intelligence is stored for no debate.
Intelligence disappeared again,
Look, change is not wisdom,
There is no need for improving the understanding of,
Just give rise to debate?
Many people today are so wretched.

Photo-laboring women eating lunch in the shade of a sedentary retirement.

The vegetables bicycle

The vegetables bicycle

  The vegetables were cooked to eat.
If the vegetables have been destroyed to create the bicycle.
But the Vegetables of bicycles art is beautiful.

সবজির বাই সাইকেল

 সবজি গুলো রান্না করে খাওয়া যেতো।
বাই সাইকেল বানানোতে শাক সবজি গুলো হয়তো নষ্ট হয়েছে।
কিন্তু  সবজির বাই সাইকেল এর শিল্প কর্মটি অসাধারণ সুন্দর।

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Children’s Song - শিশুদের গান

The Children’s Song

Rudyard Kipling
LAND of our Birth, we pledge to thee
Our love and toil in the years to be;
When we are grown and take our place,
As men and women, with our race.
Father in Heaven, who lovest all.
Oh help Thy children when they call;
That they may build from age to age,
An undefiled heritage.
Teach us to bear the yoke in youth,
With steadfastness and careful truth;
That, in our time, Thy Grace may give
The Truth whereby the Nations live.
Teach us to rule ourselves alway,
Controlled and cleanly night and day;
That we may bring, if need arise,
No maimed or worthless sacrifice.
Teach us to look in all our ends,
On Thee for judge, and not our friends;
That we, with Thee, may walk uncowed
By fear or favour of the crowd.
Teach us the Strength that cannot seek,
By deed or thought, to hurt the weak;
That, under Thee, we may possess
Man’s strength to comfort man’s distress.
Teach us Delight in simple things,
And Mirth that has no bitter springs;
Forgiveness free of evil done,
And Love to all men ’neath the sun!
Land of our Birth, our faith, our pride,
For whose dear sake our fathers died;
Oh Motherland, we pledge to thee,
Head, heart, and hand through the years to be!

I do not know this logically পারিব না এ কথাটি

I do not know this logically

I do not know this logically do not say
Why not think of the times.
Maybe the others
You will it
Do not ever do that again care
If you fail one time and see a hundred times.

পারিব না এ কথাটি

পারিব না এ কথাটি বলিও না আর
কেন পারিবে না তাহা ভাব এক বার।
পাঁচ জনে পারে যাহা
তমিও পারিবে তাহা
পার কিনা পার কর যতন আবার
এক বারে না পারিলে দেখ শত বার।

The question of surprised কালিদাস পন্ডিতের ধাঁধাঁ

The question of surprised কালিদাস পন্ডিতের ধাঁধাঁ

1.He tied the rope around his neck hanging in the night
The latch is in the middle of the water.

2.Jump like a tiger, dog sitting,
Floats if dropped in the water becomes lighter.

3.Without fins fly away, there is a multitude of faces,
The light illuminates it, or do you know him?

4.The blood from his face blue, green, black,
He is also well-educated people.

5.For three children, the one percent
Had left were otherwise.

In reply to: - tree juice from the tree to fall,2. Frogs,3.Cloud,4. Pen & 5. ununa / stove

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The vegetables


The vegetables

Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are the main agricultural produce.
Lots of vegetables in winter is usually generated.
Winter vegetables found a bargain.
The farmers do not get fair value for a lot of crops grown.
Time of the year to cut down the price of vegetables.
For example,
Two hundred and ten pounds of chili money is money kilograms.
Twenty kilograms of money to pay one hundred kilograms of beans.
One hundred taka kilograms to one taka kilogram of tomatoes.
One hundred taka kilogram to  twenty taka of the onion.
Its price fell so that farmers produce tomatoes.
The decrease in the price of tomato farmers protesting in the street threw tomatoes.
In the absence of any measures to improve the protection of winter crops are destroyed.
Need cold storage for preservation.
Need electricity to cold.
But there is a shortage of electricity.
Onion is grown in countries that do not meet the needs.
India is importing onions.
If the onion is grown in India are caused by natural disasters,
However, India's onion exports had stopped.
And the market, onion prices rose.
He is suffering due to price increases more than the poor people of the onion.
The essential thing in the paper price increase is not a problem for the rich.
Difficulties due to the poor more than the price.
Agricultural commodity prices throughout the year, as well as discrimination.
Subway in the sky as the rich poor gap.
Yet the people of Bangladesh in mourning grief happy to fight in life.
They are evidence of creative thinking.
This is proof of this beautiful flower decorated with vegetables.

What are deceiving your wife?


What are deceiving your wife?

 What is the wife deceives or hype?
There is no way to understand it. However,
 you may notice some signs that you can understand.
Wife aware of the idea.

• phone calls: If you tell her low voice while talking on the phone with your wife deceives you.
If the phone does not change the habits of the text message and you will know your wife deceives you.
If you love the way he has dealt with the first time to meet,
If such behavior;
If the phone has changed the habits and
If you are unable to change,
And see, if it has developed a relationship with someone else.

• bath and exercise: your wife returned home to take a shower,
  Not once did the day before the bath.
The wife of a sudden he started to exercise.
  Two issues of the exercise could be a valid excuse.
Also could be a new love interest.
  On the other hand, due to the physical relationship, she can bathe in the afternoon.
  Bath in the morning or the night before that he would.

•meet with girlfriends: he spends more time with her friends than ever before, a lot of time in the afternoon to spend with them,
  Before that you could not see;
  Who was his reply when asked his reply is sincere,
  And see, if your wife is not with girlfriends,
  He was out with someone else.

•perfume scent: a new perfume smell from your wife,
If you did not get before,
It means that someone else has created relationships with your wife.

• Eye contact: eye, he stopped to talk or answer questions,
  He would never do that before;
  But if you are looking for but can not direct his attention.
Most people in the eye is very difficult to tell a lie.
  If you lie to your wife, then he would not be able to look at your eyes.

• sexual deviations: to lose interest in her than sexual intercourse.
During sexual intercourse, he is just pretending.
 Before you know about sex or you want to learn new techniques.
 Like previous sexual conduct.
Sexual behaviors have changed.
Indicates that the relationship between the new and
He was out of the house to meet his sexual demands.
 That was his sexual deviations.
 Since these symptoms can be absolutely sure whether the next topic.

Something must have happened before did not expect to be careful.

The Toy Game


The Toy Game

Keep themselves in the game with toy horse,
Punk drum porous bamboo slips.
Drum players went to one to one,
Drum players went orange flowers
Orange flowers, parrots married sun uncle.

আগডুম বাগডুম

আগডুম বাগডুম ঘোড়াডুম সাজে,
ঢাক ডোল ঝাঁঝর বাজে।
বাজতে বাজতে চললো ঢুলি,
ঢুলি গেল কমলা ফুলি।
কমলাফুলির টিয়েটা সুয্যি মামার বিয়েটা।

Monday, November 2, 2015

Green fields of improvised hut

 Green fields of improvised hut

Side of the road to go to the fields,
Cloudy sky on canvas.
Green fields of improvised hut.
Green field and cloudy sky on the ground is very beautiful painting house sluggish.
No one has been made by hobby everywhere in the middle of the field ,this is the hut.
Was made out of necessity to live.
Bangladesh's population is constantly growing.
Children do not live at home before going to rise.
Like the rest of the land is rural house.
It's part of living in the agricultural lands of the hut.
Bangladesh has always housed a kennel or town of residence.
As a result of reduced crop land is missing.
Food production continues to decline.
Being of people living crisis.
The development of a population of more than one cause of disability.
Everywhere in the middle of the field for the life of this kennel was nice to see.
This is the struggle of life and the suffering of those who lived in the house sluggish.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Freedom, happiness স্বাধীনতার সুখ

Freedom, happiness

Starlings birds called with the sparrow,
""You have to live in the huts try to work in the industry bounce
That I am living happily building,
You may have trouble just sun, rain storm. "
Starlings birds laughed, "so your words?
I got in trouble in my own home.
While building your home, other
I'm happy to be in my house. "