Love is not defeat.
Love sky
Love the moon
Love river
Love flowers
Dear ones love
Love the country
This love does not have any bass
Love is not defeat.
Love sky
Love the moon
Love river
Love flowers
Dear ones love
Love the country
This love does not have any bass
Love is not defeat.
Love the name of loving kindness.
Love is the duty of responsibility where there is a strong presence of love.
Increases the strength of love, peace and happiness in the society.
The mother loves the child, for the love of the mother and the child is not to give evidence.
Love is an instinct of the creature,
Love is not by works,
Love becomes automatically.
But it is the duty of love is involved with.
When a child loves his father or mother shall be the duty of responsibility with love.
Or else the world may well be the cause of evil in society.
Oiysi felt bitterness towards such parents.
She became a woman unloved.
Because he had killed his father and mother.
Missing due to his duty of responsible conduct because the parents were evil.
The children of parents killed by an abnormal event.
This is the tragic and very sad to say that the father of one society could not accept.
Love should be mutual understanding between husband and wife.
Mutual respect between husband and wife will be staying.
Otherwise, they might fall in love rhythm.
If you love a woman.
However, you have to think about the girl's honor.
Your responsibility will be to love her.
Otherwise, you can not ever love.
This means that you will be deprived of the love and the feeling of happiness.
Divine love will not only find happiness.
As a country in the normal way,
People love to elected representatives vote.
Representatives responsible for the welfare of the people shall be the duty of the genus.
People's representatives will work to improve the quality of life of the people.
The love between the representatives and the public.
But if public money were purchased in exchange for votes.
Representatives for election to win influence.
He won election to become the force.
One of the winning choice for public administration works.
Or without a vote of the people's representatives to win.
Or people could not vote or vote were disturbing,
Or government supported by the people's choice ballot box was filled with people.
But it does not reveal love for the people.
But desire is to seize power.
Representatives of the people have the ability to love without a vote.
Duties and responsibilities of representatives won in such circumstances will be absent
And the representatives of the people will love,
Representatives act in their own interest seems to be the main profit.
Responsibility to the people's representatives ought to be showing.
To promote love of country.
Love people, but some people will not benefit.
All expenses will try to benefit themselves.
And the people in the name of love, jealousy, hatred towards other politicians to practice.
The people say the word love can not be proved.
Bangladesh, which is happening now.
Both the environment and the people's representatives were defeated.
This is because there is no love relationship between the people and the people's representative.
When you love a flower,
Your mind will be cheerful flower.
Spirits symbol of victory,
Depression, grief defeat.
You will love the sky.
When you love the sea.
The sky will open your mind.
Sea will grow in your mind.
You must be large and liberal-minded people.
Many people love the big and generous heart.
This can not be achieved with love sour.
You will love the river.
The river will cool your body.
The river will calm your troubled mind.
You will find peace.
You will be healthy.
You can write poetry may seem quiet.
Can be a poet.
Love the way people create great potential.
When you love your friend.
He and his friends will give blood to save you.
This is love.
Love never ends.
Do not be one of sorrow or depression.
Love will then leave.
However, in the love of your life running.
Love, life and stay to win.
Love is never defeated.
Therefore the duty of responsibility with love.
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